
Why do swimmer's wear shaded goggles?

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Watching the Olympics (which is taking place indoors) I've noticed all the competitors wearing shaded goggles...why is that?




  1. idk...we just like them better! lol theres no specific reason

  2. Personal preference.  I use clear goggles myself.

  3. It comes down to personal preference. Dark (or mirrored) goggles are similar to sunglasses. Why do people wear sunglasses indoors?

    A college coach of mine wanted us to wear clear or yellow goggles during workouts. If he could see our eyes, he could tell if we were suffering. Olympians might be wearing dark goggles for the opposite reason -- they don't want people to see if they are suffering, nervous, etc.

  4. It all comes down to personal preference.  I think they look better than clear.

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