
Why do swimmers have to wear speedos ?

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Why do swimmers have to wear speedos ?




  1. well they dont HAVE to. most people that do just wear cause they want to and it is less drag for racing.

  2. they dont...most swimmers wear jammers, full body suits, or just ankle length suits...the ones that do wear speedos do it by gives a much different feel to the water, but in the end, its all the same....unless youve got an lzr....

  3. they don't have to, some chose to because it is like a home made drag sute from the hair on their legs, so if you train with draggage then when your legs are covered you will be faster

  4. not all male swimmers HAVE to wear speedos. its purely a choice thing. most of the guys on my team wear them but some wear jammers which are longer.

  5. speedo is a brand name and most probably you're referring to those brief style swim trunks.  swimmers wear them because it is more appropriate than wearing basketball shorts.

  6. Because they have less resistance than shorts. You can go faster in a speedo and it is much more comfortable for competitive swimming.

  7. Speedos is actually the name brand.  They probably have a contract with them.  The material is made to help make them swim faster.  Aerodynamics.

  8. you dont have to but many do.

    they are much more comfortable and help you swim faster than jammers and boardshorts

  9. Because it is better than swimming naked!

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