
Why do teachers beat their students in india?

by Guest10806  |  earlier

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Why do teachers beat their students in india?




  1. In theory to correct problem behavior, the same reason a teacher used to be able to hit you on the hand with a ruler in this country.  If you want to call that beating go ahead.  Obviously there are extreme cases of sadism and 'discipline' run amuck.  India doesn't condone that and that's not what I'm referring to.  A little proportional stern discipline builds character.

  2. Really? No, that's malpractice.

  3. Mostly teachers beat for two reasons-

    1.) For studies

    2.) For descipline

    Those who take pain for their students beat them for there betterment.

    I think it is very necessary to maintain descipline.


  4. Teachers actually hold the place of god in Indian Culture. Everybody in India might surely have at least once heard "guru Bramha guru vishnu...¨.

    So when they Punish children there should be some valid reason for their act which in turn Should be reasonable. And According me, Not even single child below a ¨certain¨ age, should not be punished physically at all..

  5. This is not started now its since ages.

    If you ask any setteled person (indian) will let you know why he/she got panished and what they larnt from it. They will admit they were wrong and now they also say its a sweet memory.

    There are ppl go to their school to recollect those days and meet teachers who beat them. They do share all movments of smiling and sad.

    But now a days got lot of changes. There are teacher who beat students without proper reason and that too very badly.

    The other end now students are not ready to take positively though its a small issue.

    Well I have same experience and i do go my school to recollect those days with my teachers. Now they are very happy to see me at this position and respect me.

  6. When they beat children, they are following the tradition imparted by the Brits during the "Raj," the period of British rule in India.  English masters flogged their charges unmercifully, and when MaCauley established the Indian education system based on the English language, other accepted traditions followed.  It is not only English cooking that never rises above a nightmare.  The history of their savage handling of the penal colony in Australia is enough to make one's skin crawl.

    II am put in mind of one of George III's wretched off-scourings, the Duke of Cumberland I believe it was, who was Lord Lieutenant in Canada.  He once had a soldier flogged to death before the assembly on Easter Sunday so as not to inconvenience the soldiers by requiring them to assemble for punishment in the afternoon.

    We think of other continental populations as beiing given to cruelty, but the merest examinationn of English treatment of the Irish will prove instructive on the point.  No nation of people rose above the English on the point of deliberate cruelty.  It is an historical fact.

    And now we find our leaders arguing the matter of torture.  The apple appears not to have fallen too far from the tree.

  7. because they're cleverer

  8. some of the indian teachers don't know how to manage the kids. so they get angry,beat them

  9. Because kids dont tell their parents. If they did it wouldn't happen...or may be if parents believed more on their children.

  10. because they are ignorant!!!  

  11. for discipline & the authority. it's not just in India

    I'm not saying that they should be beat though

  12. Because the students respect and listen to their teachers.

  13. because the teacher's wife or husband beat them or scold them at home

    so to relieve the frustration they beat the kids in the name of discipline & blah blah

    if a kid does mistake,they shud give him/her a punishment ,which doesn't involve hurting the student

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