
Why do teachers give homework?

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it is unfair




  1. To see if you really get the concept of what the lesson in class was. If you don't get it she/he will see it. It's better than constant tests and essays.

  2. Because they are rediculous.

    They shouldn't do i understand preschool through 7 or 8 having homework.

    But highschoolers shouldn't have homework.

    I am in highschool so i know how it is having homework.

    Alot of highschoolers are busy enough without homework on top of them.

    Alot of them are in cheer,dance,football,drama,softball,etc.

    and still managing a job supporting their whole family on top of school,plus homework.and getting 2 or 3 hours of sleep at night.

  3. because they suck and think that our lives revolve around school.

    it really is. we have school all day they shouldn't make us go home and do more.we have school like all the time we never get a break.

    it is unfair.

  4. to educate the mind so we arent thinking about s*x.

  5. to keep their jobs..and keep u busy..out of trouble..stay in school..

  6. its some strange and nonhuman way to toucher us for what you ask idk

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