
Why do teachers have some objection to promoting careers in the army?

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  1. Because soldiers get killed and maimed. Why else?

  2. Joining the army is a personal decision which should not be influenced by anyone else... when signing up to the army you are essentially signing control over your own life away, including whether or not it may continue.

    I can imagine quite a few parents would object if little Johnnie came home wanting to join the army these days, and given an administration which takes the kind of decisions that it has done for the reasons it did I can sympathise.

  3. They simply they do not promote it just because they want their students to achieve a higher position

  4. Because they are a bunch of whinning liberals who think there is no evil in the world and no-one is out to destroy our way of life, and if we just keep to ourselves and let others do as they please, no harm will come to us.  Kind of like the French in WW2.

  5. a lot of the little scroats at my wife's school have long careers ahead in the penal services, as inmates

  6. i agree with them 100%

    my sons school had the army in to give a presentation to the boys in their final year

    i complained as the high acheiving schools and fee paying schools do not allow the army in ,their parents would go balistic

    i do not want any of my sons to join the army , the schools should not encourage it they are not cannon fodder

  7. Because the army is full of propaganda.

    Do they show footage of a soldier lying in the dirt, with his leg and entrails on the other side of the road?

    Thought not.

    So they arent giving students the full facts then are they?

  8. Because a lot of them, not all, are bleeding heart liberals who don't live in the real world. There is a saying - 'those who can, do: those who can't, teach'. That has probably trodden on a few toes, but I speak as I find, and that is what I have found.

  9. Because they don't want to be held responsible if one of their students joins the army then dies.

  10. I think some teachers are against the tactics used by the military to meet recruitment goals. Signing up for military service entails  much more than some kids realize.

  11. Why do you always ask controversial questions? Do you like conspiracys by any chance?

  12. Is it because teachers don't know about life outside the school gates.

  13. Maybe because they spent so much time trying to stuff young heads full of knowledge, that they hate to see them get blown off.

  14. because the army is not what you think it is from watching those Fancy TV commercials and they try to promote it as being your only option for paying for college or getting out of a small town and its not just a bunch of propaganda to me

  15. Because the teachers union is controlled by right on liberals/marxists

  16. well i don't think they all do. At my school (a grammar school in Kent) the A-level music group was sent off to an army orchestra/band recruitment day, and a few weeks ago a guy from the army was invited down to the school to talk to the 6th form about a career in the i don't know how they could have an objection to it when they are actively encouraging it as a career path for people, at least in my area.

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