
Why do teachers like working with age group?

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Why do teachers like working with age group?




  1. Do you mean,

    "Why do teachers like working with certain age groups?"

    If that's what you meant, each age group is different in a specific way.

    Pre-schoolers are always amazed by new things, to some people that's very cute and what-not.

    High schoolers tend to like crude, rude humor better.

  2. Unlike the 2nd poster, I like working with the preschool age group because of how independent they are.  They can be taught independence, but if we make them depend on us, they will not learn it.

    This is the age group I understand the most.  I understand a lot about how their brain is developing, what parts are developing, and how to assist them in that.  

    I enjoy the spontaneous reading and spelling of words.

    I enjoy watching them get excited when they learn all the countries in North America or they discover, after working with a math material for a half hour, the concept it is trying to teach.

    I love the concentration they have and the way they respect each other.

    I love this age group.  That's why I work with them.


  3. I was a floater in a daycare and I like working w/ the older kids bc/ the younger kids were too needy.  I was bored bc/ I could not have a real conversation w/ the kids . I WORKED as pre school teacher and HATED it. I HAD to do everything for the kids. Plus I had a a hard time coming up w/ideas everything had to BE so simple. I work with five & six year olds  now and love it. They learn to read,write,add and substract you can really see them progress. Plus they  really converse w/ you as well. I think you know what you want when you work w/ different age levels. I have friends who love pre school bc/ they feel needed by the kids.

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