
Why do teenage boys room smell funky?

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I have a 16yrold son and his room smells funky all the time like socks sweat and feet and ***. How do stop the smell? I also have friends with teenage boys and they all have the same problem. I need help his rooms funky odor is going down the hall now.




  1. Why do some people even have kids?  All the females on here are saying they never smelt musky as a teenager?  Get them to do some washing and do it in a polite way and perhaps get some fresh air through your houses.  Btw, if you go into a girls toilet and then a boys toilet at the average school, the girls are about 10 times worse than the boys, believe it or not!

  2. Boys stink because they dont wash with soap in the shower, they just stand in the running water and they put deodorant on already stankin arm pits cuz they dont wash and rinse them off..or clean out there ears or cut toe nails and they have grimey teeth and zits because they just stand in the shower and fake taking one!!!!

  3. Boys stink because they dont wash with soap in the shower, they just stand in the running water and they put deodorant on already stankin arm pits cuz they dont wash and rinse them off..or clean out there ears or cut toe nails and they have grimey teeth and zits because they just stand in the shower and fake taking one!!!!

  4. its because they w**k too much get him a girlfriend or w***e

  5. Mom needs to give him a naked tub bath every night. He will have to get used to MOmm seeing him naked. It will probably improve his relationship with her. Mom can then give him a hug after drying him off and then hand him his pajamas to put on for the rest of the night.

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