
Why do teenage girls apply such a large amount of makeup?

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Why do teenage girls apply such a large amount of makeup?




  1. I know right? Way too much make-up!

    The reason why, you ask?

    They think it makes them look prettier. Trying to impress you boys! Without all of that make-up it's pretty plain and simple: they feel naked. They think they're ugly without it on.

    To fix this problem, all they need is a great guy who tells them (and truly thinks!) they are beautiful without it.

    Then, they're confidence will come soaring back up.

    God Bless!

  2. Wow some people are so kind in their answers!! Bet you can hear my sarcasm through the computer.

    Coming from a teenage girl this is why.

    a) Ya low self-esteem. I wear makeup because I don't like my skin.

    b) Need foundation to cover up acne or any redness.

    c) Buying makeup is really fun and it is fun to experiment with it and play with colors. It does not make us hoes.

    Only your actions can make you a hoe.

    Also its kinda just a phase. Like now I am going into grade 10 and I hardly wear any makeup. But in grade 8 I packed it on. It depends on the age of teenager you are too

  3. i used to be the same way,

    put a whole bunch of make-up on

    but not ALL teenage girls do it

    some dont relize they are naturaly beautiful

    but i did !


  4. for guys because they think that guys only look on wats on the outside so they think they must look like supermodles for guys to even give them a chance

  5. because they are insecure and they think guys like it

  6. usually its simply because they havent learned the art of "less is more". they see celebrities and older ppl who are role models with a full face of makeup and in there attempt to copycat the look they apply WAY too much, too thick, or they apply it with the wrong technique.

    not knowing how to apply makeup, not knowing what suits your face, not knowing how much to use, and using really cheap makeup all result in a nasty looking cake-face effect...and all of these things teens do if they havent had practice or tips from someone with a little know how

    most of them grow out of it and learn how to wear makeup.

    others just think it looks good and unfortunately wont ever change it until someone points out how silly they look.

  7. One word: WHORES

  8. stupidity and experimentation and don't know when to stop

  9. uh...not all girls wear makeup...

  10. they think they look really good..

    they can be using the makeup to boost their self confidence..

    they think guys like them if they made their face equivalent to a clown

    or another meaning would be..


  11. First of all, not all do.

    Second, it's their face...they can put what they want on it.

    And third...yes, I agree that some of these girls look absolutely ridiculous...but it's all in how it's applied really. Someone could have a completely natural look and still have the same amount of makeup the girl that looks like a clown, has on.

  12. most of us dont just mascara and foundation and sometimes there are girls that wear eyeliner,,well actually most of us.

    then any more then those girls are either too stupid to know how ridiculous they look or they think its cool.

    if you want to ask them yourselve.

  13. well ALLKNOWING.. aren't u ALLKNOWING?????


    y would u even go on here if u knew EVERYTHING?

  14. hahaha.

    because they think they look bad with out it.  

  15. Because they grow up with all these images that women with make up are beautiful and they want to be like that.  Society has caused them to feel that they have low self esteem and need help to look beautiful and perfect.  And so when they aren't taught how to use make up correctly to highlight their best features they pile it on to cover all the imperfects they believe they have.

  16. Low Self Esteem(:

  17. Because they're stupid and they want to be pretty. I used to be like that, but that was in 8th grade. I was very insecure about my looks. Now as I've aged, I feel "whatever", about myself, and I just stopped caring.

  18. Because thats what was used on the runways this year. Now i do gunmetal makeup,too! And wearing make-up doesnt make us anything that you say. It just makes us girls.And guys at my school like it. No one not wearing make-up is even considered pretty by them. Its fun,too. I enjoy waking up and putting on eyeliner! Atleast girls who use make-up are TRYING to look nice (and most of us,suceeding.) So for the girls who are saying-Oh,i know,its so whatever-I bet you have the low-self esteem. And to the guys saying- We are whatever your saying,I bet you dont have a girlfriend! But to the others who say,its fun-Right on! And if you dont like make-up,but dont insult us who do,Right on!

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