
Why do teenagers have filthy mouths and let everyone know by talking this way in public?

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Do they not care they are swearing and talking sexual things in front of adults? I have had this happen to me so many times! Why aren't they more careful when people are around? I do not mind myself, but they could offend other adults. Aren't they embarrassed by this?




  1. We do that to let them know that they have no say over what we do and that we can do whatever they want. I don't cuss in front of adults (or in private) but i know what it feels like to do 'semi-shocking' things to let people know that they have no say over what I do. It's the stage where we realize that we arent kids anymore so we can act like adults and we don't need any help.

  2. I guess you could call me one of these teens.  When younger children are around though my friends and I censor ourselves.  I'd like to think that were like this mainly because were around our parents a lot and then we censor ourselves and when were in public like that, we just want to let go because we get tired of censoring ourselves so much.  No were not embarrassed by this. If it's adults we know, or little kids we shut our mouths. If not, we speak however we feel fitting.  Really adults shouldn't be offended by what we say unless were directing it towards them.  That would be like me saying I was offended by the shirt a man is wearing...

    blaming my parents for this is wrong! I make my own decisions on what to say.  My step sister is allowed to say what ever she wants, but chooses not to. I'm not allowed to say "this sucks" or "c**p"  Really my parents do care about what I say and have taught me respect and its not like I walk around town running at the mouth like a drunken sailor!

  3. i curse a lot. it just slips out of my mouth and sometimes i dont even know it. when im in public i dont care wat the people around me think but i NEVER curse in my own house cause i know my mom would kill me. and also if im around people i know or even younger kids, i try my hardest not to curse.  

  4. Kids today have very small vocabularies. The only way they know to express themselves is by using four-letter words. If they read more, they'd have more eloquent ways to express themselves.

  5. I LOOOOVE how some people like to put all of us in one group. Not all teens are the same, jeez, why can't some people see that?

    As for the teens who do cuss, maybe the way they see it is they're just words or they wanna act more mature.

  6. Because their parents, at one point or another, taught them that it was acceptable behavior.  I had a kid call me a "b----" one time because I wouldn't give him any tokens at the arcade.  I approached the parent and she said, "Well, he probably called you that because that's how you were acting" and went about her business.  Its disgusting really.  

    An acquaintance of mine teaches her kids all the curse words when they are little.  They think its cute.  Then when they are around 2 or 3, they suddenly teach them that those are bad words and they shouldn't use them.  I'm gonna laugh in her face when they are older and think its acceptable to use every word in the book.  I mean, their own parents taught them all those words, so why shouldn't they use them?  Again, it sickens me.

  7. I dont curse except for the words h**l and d**n but they're not really curse words but hey...most teenagers curse because we're called teenagers. hello!

  8. Because their PARENTS didn't teach them that its bad to swear in front of other people.

    It's the PARENTS job to raise us.

  9. bc we dont care what other people think and no we are not embarrased by this

  10. Because they were not raised to respect adults and not say curse words. I know if I EVER hear my child curse  in front of me or any other adult they will be dealing with a very severe punishment. No one teaches their kids respect nowadays, and it needs to be relearned by our society.

  11. Hint:  It doesn't matter.  Cursing, public fornication, whatever.  It's not affecting anything but your overly uptight world view.  Get over it.  *******.

  12. who the ****** cares??

  13. hah i swear and stuff all the time infront of adults..

    its not like its my problem if i offend them

    if they dont like it then how about they dont listen to my conversations?

    i watch my mouth around teachers and adults i know (my friends parents, my parents freinds, etc) but i swear infront of my parents and AT my parents all the time.

    i dont see it as a big deal.. there just words..

    and yes, my parents did teach me not to say those words but i kinda ignored that rule once i turned 9.

    why would i be embarrassed? its the way i talk. im not gonna watch what i say cause random people are around. there just gonna have to get over it.

    yeah i relize im not the best kid but i really dont care :)

  14. A) I don't think it's right to stereotype all teenagers because you are totally wrong there.

    B) They just don't care what people think.

    C) How many adults walk by swearing? Quite a few

    D) I'm a teen Mom so stereotype that while you're at it.

  15. okay.. i am 16 and i absolutely hate swearing.. i feel there is no point. you can express your feelings in some other way than swearing for no apparent reason. Although i was brought up in a very christian home and taught to not do that . but i still do not get it.. I AM ONE OF THE TEENS WHO DOESNT SWEAR.. that probably doesnt make much of a difference because so many people are doing it these days.


  16. no most are not embarrassed by this actually some people i know try to talk like that in front of adults because they think it is funny

    but i think talking like that around adults is disrespectful and rude

    oh and i hate when people talk like in front of kids i think that is even worse

  17. I get more angry at my friends when they start saying whatever they feel like around children.

    I have no problem smacking my friends and telling them to watch their mouth.

    My parents wont let me hang out with people if they don't watch their language ahaha.  So I usually remind friends to watch what they say around my parents.

    But I never got that whole having to censor ourselves for adults thing.  It seems to bother them more than anyone, but a lot of adults are pottymouths too.

    But I don't think you should swear unless you have a need for it, like seeing your kid run out in traffic or something.

  18. ok so I'm a sophomore in high school so obviously i hear just about every swear word possible who knows how many times a day. and just about anything can be turned into a sexual comment. i believe some teens just express themselves differently or just prefer swear words. i also think that most teens grow out of this habit, it may just take longer than some would prefer.

    and another thing, i HATE when people automatically assume it's the parents fault, its not always them. of course i have friends who swear probably more than they need to, but i've met their parents and it's not that they don't care or anything. they accept that their teen swears, but still attempt to get them to sensor or hold back some swearing.

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