
Why do teenagers kill themselves insteading of solving problem.?

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reguarding to megan meier committing suicide because a guy named "josh" called her names. in reality it was her neighbors mom.

i wrote this to a person that made her whole page about this:

i can empthize with the idea of losing someone special to you. my grandmother died in my arms when i was 17, and i miss her everyday. but as i am reading more and more into this sad ending of a young girl. i dont understand, why is the immature mother neighbor being blamed? Yes what she did was stupid, yes she tricked a young girl....but she didnt kill her. i know of two guys in a similiar story. one is my friend daniel he killed himself after a fight on myspace with his girlfriend, and i know of another with a guy named Billie who killed himself because he was g*y.

i dont understand why we blame other people for someones lack of handling situations. it was her choice as it was for Daniel or Billie, or the thousands of teenagers that kill themselves; because they cant handle life.




  1. I think it's ridiculous that someone would take their life because they can't handle life. What does breaking up with someone have to do with your future? People need to grow up and realize life isn't easy but part of the hardship is becoming a stronger person. What does one accomplish by killing themselves? People need to wake up and realize theres more to life then the small town you live in.

    There's an entire world out there- slavery, torture, my god, we have it so easy its a joke. Instead of someone taking their life I would suggest how about they come to their senses and realize how lucky they truly are. How lucky there are to not be a slave, how lucky they are to just be able to walk and be perfectly healthy.

    Life is not without purpose, every human life has meaning. Teenagers like myself need to THINK!- 18 is the legal age you can move out- if you live to 70 what does 18 yrs of your life mean? You have your whole life ahead of you! It's never to late to enjoy life no matter what age you are.

  2. Everyone wants to blame everyone else for there problems. people just can't handle being blamed for the wrong they have done. suicide is something no one can answer. some people just can't handle real life. others do it just to get revenge on someone they say they love. when in reality it there need to be in control of the relationship.  and they want to make the other person feel responsible for the loss  the rest of there life.

  3. Megan was already taking anti-depressants and unless you yourself have been depressed in the past or you are now you do not know how bad it is. You feel like living is useless and you would be helping everyone if you just stopped living. You feel like there is no point to living and life is a h**l. It is the most lonely situation imaginable and can be completely unbearable. That horrible excuse for a human being pushed Megan over the edge and did kill her. Her actions directly caused her death and she deserves to be in prison. As an adult and a mother she is suppose to be the responsible one.

    You should really stop being so d**n insensitive.

  4. They feel alone with their issues. There is usually alot more behind the stories than most people understand. When I was about 3 or 4 I was sexually abused by my neighbor. I grew up just fine, but after my father died my so called "reality" fell apart and I started to cut myself. I felt like I had no one to turn to for help. The night I thought about killing myself, my roommate walked in and stopped me. It scared me and I went and got help. Its sad, and really people shouldn't be blamed for someone elses choices they make in life.

  5. Want a pretzel fish

  6. ok i live in the same area as megan.  she did have some problems like ADD and depression.  Mrs. "D" had a daughter who used to be friends with megan. and she created a fake myspace account to see what megan said about her daughter.  megan had a hard time making friends, so she switched to a private school in the area,and her life was begginning to look better. and then when mrs. "D"  decided to create "Josh."  she made "Josh" seem like seem like Megan and him were friends. then she heard a fake rumor and made "josh" tell megan that she wasn't a good friend and talks behind people's backs, and he said some other rude comments. that's when she decided to take her life. but her parents found her hanging in her closet, she went to the hospital and died the next day.

    and it's not just teenagers who kill themselves. adults do it too. and you're just hearing of a few isolated cases, but our media is very big today, so you hear ALL of the bad news, and none of the good news.  and other teens have depression and dont know where to turn. so if you know a teen. tell them this website.

    this is a hotline that helps kids with everything from everyday problems to suicide. and other kids help them. it's free.





  7. Because, some people feel alone like there on there own with there probelms. or some feel like there is just no hope. and for some people, not being alive... it just the answer. i am sorry to hear about your freinds. :(

  8. that can happen to anyone. stop being an insensitive t**t.

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