
Why do teenagers look at driving as fun and games, rather than a purpose for transportation

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I see this almost everyday. Teens joyriding for fun. A lot of teens like to drive just for fun and speed and do burnouts and donuts. Why do a lot of teens look at driving as fun and games than a purpose for transportation? Teenagers like to drive reckless a lot. I see teens wasting gas driving just for the fun and thrill of it. Why do they do this so much???




  1. becase a teens car tells alot about them and they got a good one then there usully cool but when it comes to driveing they just arnt very good yet its not really fun and games but its not really transpotatation eaither they joy ride all the time cause they whant to show off what they got think about it most parents dont just give away cars they sometimes pay for some of it though the teens have to work for it

  2. Because it's a form of freedom.

    Think back to when you were restrained with rules to follow. Didn't a part of you want to have some sort of freedom? Driving would be a form for some teens.

  3. Because its a new expierence for us, its the next step of freedom, any teen who has their license like me would say the same thing. crusiing around with ya mates in the car lookin for chicks, it is surprisely fun

  4. because its like gateway to adulthood. once you have your license and a car. you can jus leave the house and go hang out with your friends. god i hate my parents.

  5. Freedom away from parents

  6. All teens are different.  So are their parents.  Its part nurture; part nature.  We have two teens.  One we trust becuase he is fearful of death and injury.  The other is oblivious to consequences and would be more likely to play with the car.   Its one of life's mysteries.

    I know adults who look at cars as fun; but they find better and safer ways to play.  Auto-cross, track racing.  Great fun, and less danger to the general public, and a bit more expensive.  Some kids never grow up all the way (thankfully!)

  7. i dont see it that way! im 17 and i never terrified of it

  8. Because it's new to them

    Like riding a bike

    It's awesome at first and you don't want to get off

    But after a while you get tired of it

    And it becomes only a mean of transportation

  9. Because it's new to them and its alittle more freedom. When i first got my car. i was never home. we would go out for drives and try to get lost.  gas was also 99 cents in 1995.  so it made it alittle easier. Once you grow up then it turns into a means of transportation. Untill then it's just a fun new thing.

  10. Because finally for once, they are in control of something that is dangerous/useful/fun.  Also the thrill of speeding is fun because it is something that they are not supposed to be doing and it gets their adrenaline pumping.  They can get just about anywhere they want with very little effort.  I'm not driving yet but I am a teenager and I understand the thrill of it.  Hope this helped ya!

  11. have a little fun grandpa.

  12. us young people you refer to drive like this because we are enjoying are new found freedom, and i am sure you did the same thing when you were young

  13. because when you drive, your not being smothered by your parents. its the only time when you really get a choice as to where to go, what to do, and when. they don't just want to get somewhere, they want to get away from you.

  14. for teenagers, it's a piece of freedom. the thrill of having that freedom can cause them to abuse it or see it as a god given right, not a privelage.  

  15. what do you mean teens!? adults do it too. It's cause we didn't have to pay for the cars and don't have to pay for gas. How can you not think driving fast is fun?! it's the most liberating feeling ever! Maybe it's just too much power for someone of my age to have but I wouldn't give it up for the world. lol

  16. I believe it is stupid as well - people at my high school do that all the time as they drive away, and I just roll my eyes. Some people will always be immature.

    I am 16, and scared to drive - I always make mistakes. Driving is no fun for me!

  17. I just started driving I think it's scary and I still don't understand how someone can drive like that now when the taxes and bills and jail time has sky rocketed.  

  18. Because we see other people driving, and it's an experience.

    We dont get to do it until we're 16.

    We grow up after that and we take it seriously.

  19. i think it is because they love the feeling that they're doing the wrong actions. and maybe the speed of the car and being with friends. peer presure may also come into this. being labbelled "cool" by their friends by driving recklessly.

  20. obviously you werent a kid when you were little, i'd rather drive all day, then sit at home, theyre young, and have alot to live for.... they dont have jobs so what do they need transpertation, they need to get out before they cant do so.

  21. I just got my learners pemit today! But my mom says if she ever catches me speeding or if i get a ticket she will take my license away!

  22. easy they are spoiled, they don't need to worry much about things since they are taken care of by their parents.  if they had to worry about living, working etc they would not do that.  

  23. Bah, s***w you. I am 27 and I still drive the balls off my cars. Driving is how I get my thrills. I have never been in any wrecks. You are just jealous that I can pull off 50mph drifts and you don't know the difference between a bov and a wastegate.

  24. I am a teen. and do this,

    driving recklessly, (but being in control enough to be safe) is seen more as a skill or an art than a nuisance. to some of my friends, getting a nice car with a great engine is more of a sport than football.. Now granted, there are young people out there that are just dumb and bored, and drive around aimlessly, but to me driving is relaxing..

    the feeling of the open road, and seemingly no responsibilities is priceless, so to answer your question i guess there are 3 possibilities

    1. they personally enjoy it (relaxation)

    2. they want to show off their cars (or engines/sound systems)

    3. they are bored (and dont know enough about cars to not do something dumb)

  25. Unlike prevailing assumptions about why young people engage in risky behavior, the research seems to argue that it is not because teenagers feel invulnerable or underestimate the risks, but because they have misplaced priorities.

    In other words, teens aren’t necessarily being irrational when they do dumb things, they just tend to have a short-term outlook on life and an immature hierarchy of values. It’s not just a brain thing, it’s a heart thing, because your actions reveal who and what you’re living for.

    Another interesting aspect of the study is its recommendation against giving teenagers more information or more detailed information about the dangers of risk-filled activities, arguing that more education is not likely to result in any significant decrease of risky behavior.

  26. Becuz driving is fun. And also old people have been doing it for a long time so they might not see it as fun, but teeenages are just starting so they get really excited.

    But safety is the most important thing :]

  27. because the thought of it is fun?;...

  28. I wonder if it is because often the car is their transportation to and from their source of fun, maybe not.  I didn't drive until after I was marrried; so, I was never in this position.  The way today's gas prices are I would think it would temper anyone's cruising habits.

  29. Because it's freedom from their parents dropping them off everywhere.

    And when you're a teen with a car, you can go wherever you want and you can lie to your parents about it.

  30. thats why my boys arent gonna drive till they are 18. i have a son who is 15 and i will not allow him to get his permit right now. im too paranoid!

  31. because it is new and exciting for them they have been waiting a long time and they do not fully understand the whole idea of bills and gas. along with safety and all their friends think its soooo coool.

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