
Why do teenagers need need to drive a car?

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I am 15 and I dont see why kids I know are waiting so that they can get their license. Because I dont see the point of driving. I mean I go on the bus to school (before homeschooling) but other than that why would we need to go anywhere that our parents are not going. Because my parents go with me to the grocery store, or anywhere else they need to go.




  1. What if you want to go out with friends or something and there isn't anyone to give you a ride? Or don't want anything at the house and you can go get some food. Its general freedom.

  2. Being able to drive means having freedom you didn't have before.  You can go out to meet your friends, go shopping, etc. without having to depend on a ride from your parents.

    In my case, it meant not having to ride the bus anymore, having a way to get home after games and practices, and/or getting to my after school job without having to rely on anyone else to pick me up or drop me off.

    Do you ever spend time away from your parents?  Just curious.

    EDIT (To OP):  We aren't talking about grocery shopping.  We are talking about going to the mall, hanging out with your friends, seeing a movie, shopping for CDs and clothes, etc.  

    If you are fifteen years old and never spend time away from your parents, I think it's time to ask for some more freedom.  You need to have a social life and friends.

  3. Go places.

    Both my parents work so i don't have to worry about getting rides to practices and stuff.Go out with friends when and where i want during the day.

  4. When did you start being home schooled? Before that, were you involved in extracurricular school activities (track, band, football, baseball) or any clubs?

    I know in my situation, my mom works from 6am to 6pm, and before she started working, she would bring my younger brother (13), my cousin (almost 16), and myself all to school, which helped a little bit of 'our' problem, because my brother can't ride the bus due to his allergies. Now, since she is working, my boyfriend has to drive me to school, while my grandma drives my brother, and she also has to pick 'us' up at the end of the day. Now, on days I have after school practice, I have to schedule and plan how I'm getting home, and sometimes those plans get messed up due to reasons that no one can avoid. Not to mention, when you want to go to the party everyone is going to, or your friend/boyfriend wants you to come sleep at their house (or just chill), but you don't have a ride, you're screwed.. As well as the fact that some teenagers want to get a job, but because they don't have a car, license, or both, they don't have a ride to and from work sometimes, which makes them unreliable.

    So, the answer to your question, in my opinion anyway, is:

    1) It's convenient, sometimes for both the parent and child(ren)

    Once I get a car and license, I'll be able to drive both my brother and myself to and from school, stay after school for my practice without the worry of "how am I going to get home", go to my friends/boyfriend's house without having to hustle my parents to bring me, possibly get a job, and have the freedom of going to parties without having to expect the rents to do everything for me. They have enough on their plates to have to worry about where I'm going and how I'm getting there 24/7.

  5. I agree that it is unnecessary at that age. I think some people want it to look "cool", others may have parents who can't drive but they have managed till now. If people shared cars more a road trip wouldn't take half as long.

    The reason I might get a drivers licenses is for my job to be. I wish to be a teacher so I need to get round to different towns in some cases and public transport isn't always reliable or cheap.

  6. You poor, tortured soul, you.  

  7. WOW! It's either you have NO social life, or you have REALLY strict parents... When I was 13 I would go hang out with friends at the mall, go to starbucks, go to eachother's houses, ect. ect. I made friends with older people so they would drive me wherever we were going to. You are very anti-social if you are 15 and you depend on your parents to do everything for you. I mean don't you EVER go out to have fun with your friends? I mean you can't be a mommy's boy forever you know. .-. Just to throw it out there... You need a LIFE =/

  8. It all depends on where you live. If you live in the middle of the country than you will probably need a car to drive around to just about everything. It is good to have a car for when you start a job. But if you are close enough to everything than just grab a bike or walk. I used to even in college and now that I am married I do on occassion, even though we have a car. It is better for you to get the exercise as long as you don't mind it.

  9. I like to go to stores that my parents don't go to like CD stores and such.  Also, I'll be getting a job soon and they're pretty busy so it would make things much easier if I could transport myself instead of stressing them out because they're trying to work out schedules.

  10. maybe you dont have too much of a life and want to go out with friends. Or when you want to go somewhere and your parents arent available to drive you, you could drive yourself if you have a license.. Do you want mommy and daddy driving you to your school dances with your date?

  11. in england we don't have a choice. we can't learn to drive until we are 17 unless you have a disability which then it is only 16. at 16 you can get a provisional license and only practice driving on private land

  12. wow, you don't get out much do you...

  13. what if the rents are out?

    anyway, don't you want the freedom?

    i want to drive because it means i can take my little sister out or drive up to york or whatever.

    it's all fun dude

  14. Wow!  Very mature way of thinking!  

  15. i need to drive a car because i go to a regional high school so all of my friends live all over the place. and my parents dont like having to drive me anywhere so they were happy when i got my license.

  16. I feel sorry for you, only going out with your parents.

    Most teens like to go out and be with their friends and go places without their parents. And riding the bus is lame. In your own car, you can listen to your own music, do what you want, and you don't have to deal with all the other bus kids.

  17. Some kids your age are content to be with family, and others want to get far, far away from family, as far away as possible. It depends on the family, and the relationships. It sounds like you love being with your parents and that's really cool. :-)

  18. I agree with you theres really no point in driving to school waste of gas and you have no excuse for being late, at my school to cant leave till all the buses do so you get home later and its just more responsibility, it takes away from school work.

  19. let see

    1. ur friends having a party!

    2. Shopping with friends

    3. staying out late and giving excuese to the 'rents.

    4. Work!

    alot of other places with ppl who have lives!!

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