
Why do teenagers seem to think.....?

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that being in your 20's is old? Seriously, calling someone that is 30 old is still pushing it in my book.

The world does not revolve around people who are 18 and younger

Believe me when the teenagers become 20 they will no longer call 21 old....

Anyone agree?




  1. They think being the 20s is old in terms of their age, but in the normal aging 20 is not old at all.

  2. lol I am 34 (wow already) and it came fast . 3o once did seem old . I think someday what will I be like as a old lady now I  am sure that will come faster . If i knew then what i know now lol

  3. i'm 14, and most of us cant wait to be 21. it's the stepping stone for drinking and all that other adult stuff that comes with it.

    ALL kids I interact with think 40's is old, and if they say younger then they're joking. Most of our parents are in their 30's, anyways.

    I don't know where 20 came from, but it obviously must be a messed up group of teens.

  4. i dont think 20 or 30 or 40 is old at all

  5. I think it is natural... not just age as a number, but the fact that people in their 20's are living life differently than teenagers.  

  6. marry me, wait how old r u? thanks for telling me that I am not old, marry me. wait that is a little to much too soon, what is your last name, then marry me, well then your last name won't matter anymore so forget that question. lets see, do you f**t in bed. and make homemade waffles?

    yeah AGE is relative, the older you get the younger you feel, hopefully the wiser you'll be. at 20 you think you own the world and nothing can stop you, maybe got that I know everything, I got no problems attitude may not think it but it is kind of there.

    then you get older and realize that you didn't know S_h-i-t until now, you' may find yourself saying If I only knew what I know know back then what I could have done with that knowledge and wisdom

    stay young at heart and keep it tight.

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