
Why do teenagers stay in bed so late?

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I'm a teenager.. I wanted to see if there were any specific reasons or scientific reasons behind it, not silly answers like.. "because we're tired", I know that ffs.. I'm just curious because I had a conversation about it.




  1. Teenagers have different circadian rhythms than adults. In other words, our sleep cycles are different. Sorry were just wired that way. It's only an issue if the kid is shirking their other duties and missing out on what's important.

  2. because it's an actual FACT

    that teenagers need about 11 hours of sleep a night


  3. Cause we stay up late, so we sleep in. Or, we're stressing about things, have a new job, and are juggling schoolwork all at the same time.

  4. Scientific research has proven that their bodies are going through a lot of changes.  They need the sleep.

  5. Because they been up last night watching TV, on the phone or playing their video game.

  6. its a fact that teenagers internal body clocks tell us to go to sleep somewhere around 1am.we need at least 9 and a half hours of sleep each night, so there you have it

    i hate when parents of adults rag on us [[teenagers]] for sleeping in

    its not our fault, its the way we are

  7. basically, because there are so many changes going on in our body and the stupid hormones playing havoc, it makes us feel more tired and the need to have loads of sleep.i'm so awful, 12pm is early for me!

    haha x :)

  8. Scientifically speaking during the whole hormone mojo teens experience during puberty, our internal clocks get set later. Sleep hormones actually aren't released until about 1 in the morning, compared to 10 PM for adults. When we wake up in the morning it still feels like night according to our inner time.  

  9. maybe because were tired, went to bed late or even ( most kids are on the school holidays) have nothing to do throughout the day :)  

  10. i went 2 sleep at 4am and didnt wake up till 3pm..yes thats late in afternoon but thats only 11 hours sleep

  11. I'm a teenager, and I don't stay in bed late. I'm up and ready to go by 8.

  12. Our bodies need more rest because most teenagers have a lot of activities during day and sometimes night

    answer mine plz;...

  13. They stay up late and need their beauty sleep. At least they're not bugging you when they're sleeping.

  14. its because its the time in your life when you are growing the most and the most active usually and so you require extra sleep.  

  15. i will go to bed late because i will either spend my night texting or talking..=]

    and then i sleep in until like 10..because im tired

    but then ofcourse theres people lik emy bf that will wake up like at 1pm!!

  16. maybe they're tired from putting up with **** from over grown teenagers, these 'adults'.

    plus why bother with the earliness?

  17. i don't go to sleep till about 4-5am and i don't get up till about 2-3pm

    Sooo im thinking its because i can do it.

  18. because as teens their melatonin levels are high. this is what helps people sleep. you naturally have this in your body. and as you get older it gets lower thats why grandma is up so early.  

  19. Teens are in the second fastest growing rate in their life. (infancy being the fastest) So you need more sleep just like babies.

  20. because we got nothing else to do , ive got the laziest life ever belive me i have, i never  get out ive even just finishes school so not ever that now,  

  21. Your auto-eject mechanism must be broken.

    My daughter's bed spun upside down every morning and stayed there until I reset it in the afternoon.

  22. Through out the teenage years many hormonal changes as well as physical and mental changes take place. Teenagers need to sleep more for their bodies to be able to make these changes and for their bodies to adapt.

  23. Because most of us stay up till 4,5,6,7,and 8am.

    Then our bodies naturally sleep untill

    we get up around 3 4 pm.

    Also some of us stay up all night and never sleep.


  24. Because it feels d**n good haha. And they were probably out 'till 6:00am drinking. That's usually the reason I sleep in at least.

  25. Not all do that.  My son is usually up in the morning before me!  He always has gotten up early.  

    But when I was a teen, I could sleep for the UK!  


  26. Because people who get up early are boreing i hate morning people they have no life all the best things happen late at night

  27. I do because I stay up late and can't help it. Plus its summer,my mom is always yelling at me for sleeping in, and I get mad because its summer I don't want to do much anything else lol.

  28. Because we go to bed late and get up late. We love our sleep and getting away from our parents, and we have nothing better to do with our lives, but to go out and see friends.

  29. Well I stay in bed late because at night I stay up so late and I do that because it's summer and school is out!

    I am not ready for school this year.  

  30. We go to school like... 9 months or so each year. Can't we just have 3 months to sleep in and stay up late?  

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