
Why do teenagers who get pregnant think that it's their parents' job to "help" them or bail them out?

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Even kids whose parents have told them s*x is something to be saved for marriage. Or "If you get pregnant, I will not help you. You will take responsibility for your own actions." Why do those kids think it's their parents' job to help them out? And why do they often blame their parents? Their parents didn't make them have s*x. The teenagers chose to! It's not a parent's responsibility to pay $50/month for a 15 year old girls' birth control or to buy their son condoms.... I'd like to think that if I ever had a daughter who, despite my wisdom and warnings, had s*x and got pregnant, that I'd love her just the same. I wouldn't kick her out unless she had a bad attitude about it. But I wouldn't condone her actions either. My mom would have thrown me out on the street and I knew that. That's why I waited until marriage to have s*x (as did my husband).

I just don't understand this madness. Can someone explain it to me, please.




  1. I agree and disagree. My sister is 18 and due to have her first any day now. I was 20 when I found out I was pregnant with my first. My mom helped me out immensely with my first child and watched him in the evenings so I could still attend college, let me live under her roof without paying anything, kept me on car insurance, bought everything my son needed, provided me a cell phone, a vehicle, etc. Maybe I was a little spoiled but I learned  what was most important. My sister was living with my dad when she got pregnant bc he let her stay at her boyfriends house for weeks at a time. My mom blames him because he let her stay with her bf. He didn't make her have s*x and he sure as heck didn't make her stop taking her birth control. Now she thinks everyone owes her something because she is young and pregnant and it's not working out for her like she had hoped. I hope my daughter has FAR better morals than I did and than most of the teens out there today.  

  2. Not all kids blame their parents. Some kids need someone to lean on. Just like when you are older and you have a baby you want your parents to be involved so do teens. My mom didn't kick me out because I pleaded for her help to keep my baby.

  3. pretty much is a parents job to help their kids out. It's stupid of teenagers to get pregnant in the first place, and I don't condone that, but at the same time parents can't usually just turn their back on their children because they want to help them.

  4. Because the parents are idiots and never informed their daughter to never date a guy who is selfish who never pulls out.

    Parents always have the birds and bees conversation usually but never tell them this.  Same goes for the parents of boys.  They never tell their son to pull out.

    Though it NEVER makes it fool proof, its a lot harder for a girl to get pregnant if he finishes inside.

    With that said, if the parents didn't tell them and it happens, serves them right.

  5. bc it is our  job. if my daughter, god forbid, came to me i would take it as my responsibility to help her help herself. i wouldnt do it all for her but i would support her and help her through the situation. as a baby-  adult u should always turn to ur paretns/family to help u when ur scared, dont know what to do, or just need so support and help and advise. i would never turn my back on my kids no matter what and i would always want them to come to me for help. its not an easy thing to deal with either way but i think its wrong to turn ur back. and by the way BC and condums dont cost that much u can get them for free or as little as 10-20 $. and just because the parents help and support in no way means they condone the action(s) that take/took place.

    EDIT: well i have GREAT health insurance to and mine was costing 10 $ a month



    she told me about all this stuff

    now while all my friends have buns in the oven i'm all good :]

    srsly when your a senior in high all you see is girls ruining their lives.

    i remember my freshman year the first thing i saw was this chick who had a couple months and she had to drop out.

    i honestly can say i know how to prevent it and i stick to certain rules that i have. its not wrong to be sexually active, but it is wrong to be sexually active with out information.

    if girls would have mothers that would sit them down and talk to them like a friend, not as an adult giving a s*x ed class the world would be a better place. but i also guess that this goes into the fact that there needs to be more open conversations and trust between parent and child.

  7. good question. i agree with you

  8. I don't understand why some people like to generalize everything. Not all teen parents act this way and it's not your job/business to judge, criticize and "try to understand."

  9. wow...Im on trinessa and its only $10 a month and I have regular insurance. these days are living in a world where there is very little discipline. Kids just think they can get by with anything because usually they can. Our kids have been taught that spanking is a no no and if parents are the least bit harsh or discipline their kids, protective services is called. Thats why kids are the way they are, we are not allowed to discipline like people could in the old days...its just going to get worse.  

  10. Yeah, why?

    Cuz kids want to play grown up games and when life spanks them on the azz, they get all scared and don't want to be responsible. Then it's mommy, bail me out!

    They want to be all smartazz and tell you, it's my choice, my body, and all that other media buzzword c**p, but then forget that when they s***w up. Not so confident now, huh?

    The parents of these kids didn't raise them right. You reap what you sow. Teach them responsibility or be prepared to have them and their 4 illigitimate kids living in your basement till they're 40.

  11. I just think some kids get scared and they don't know what to do.. Since their parents already had them and already went throught the s*x and the pregancy they feel like the parents would know what to do. I don't think kids blame their parents on purpose. I just think they might be a little scared sometimes.

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