
Why do teens care so much about what their peers think of them?

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Okay im not saying "all" of the teenagers, but i am talking about a huge number.

Why is high school just all about style and looks?

I mean people alwalys seem to want to make an impression with what they wear.

(all the labels.

prep getting a new channel purse

scenie getting some new hair extensions

guy that sat in the corner, went from geek to hot. )

apart from that, in the classroom

its alwalys the same usual thing, where a lot of people act "stupid" just to fit in and be "cool"

Or others use a "sweaky" flirty voice to seek attention..

Ever notice how high school is just so...??






  1. I think it is mainly to try and fit in, not to be singled out as "the person with ___ or that has this weird___". Some just want to attract attention, such as girls aiming for the guys, etc. I find it weird.

       Honestly, I'm perfectly fine in my jeans and t-shirt, and could care less what the fashion of the season is...the fish swimming upstream, not one of the sea of other look-alikes-requiring-popular-brand-clot... fish.

    I don't have issues with those people personally, but I do when they do act like idiots trying to sweet-talk someone, or showing off for no good reason. It's annoying. I hear ya.

  2. cause we go to high school and live in a dog-eat-dog world

  3. not really being cool but being known ..being well liked by everyone personally i hate people picking on other people but its all about being seen. honestly other then education why do others go to high school... social reasons most likely

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