
Why do teens feel the need to label each other and themselves?

by  |  earlier

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Seriously, are there any studies on this? Does it have to do with discovering identity? I skipped over this part of teendom somehow; I never had a label, so I don't get it :/

And another thing, why is it so prevalent with Americans? There are countries that have no concept of high-school cliques or goth/punk poseurs.

You guys keep s******g up subcultures that have existed since you were watching Barney. Please stop with the new rules and labels and elitism; you actually DON'T know everything.

I am serious, I want some psychology links or d**n good excuses or something :/




  1. Within Sociology there is a rather large theory called Labeling Theory (helpful i know) which a lot of different people have used to study different phenomona. If you have access to any type of search engine that is academic and you put that in, you will get a mulititude of studies about all sorts of things that Labeling theory can provide a perspective on.

  2. Actually I don't think that it's just teenagers. I just think that we do it in a different way(I don't label though). Like teenagers label like this: Sl*t, g*y, nerd, poser, emo etc., adults: cheater, blabbermouth, satanist etc.

      But I see what you mean. Teenagers label more.

      About that excuse. It ain't gonna happen. teenagers are more aware of what's happening to the environment than adults(at least here in Sweden) and adults are the ones that have been s******g up the environment this whole time. And tought us to do it. This was known in the 90's too. I don't know when it was first known, but... Excuses for labeling people?! I'm sorry, but I'm just gonna have to say: in your dreams.

  3. Labels make people comfortable.

    If a person cannot be labeled easily by the majority, then their actions cannot be predicted, their motivations are uncertain, and worst of all they may not agree with your point or view or might make you have to examine a point of view that is different from your own!

    When we label people, we are setting boundaries.  We classify them so that we know what to expect from them.

    It is a horrible way to live and it produces very sheltered people that only hear their own opinions being thrown back at them, which is comforting but doesn't allow for growth.

    If you can't be classified, you are often marginalized in society.  It is sad, stupid, and ridiculous, but it is how things are...for now.  I hope that we end up reaching a more enlightened point as a people that we can value the individual more and the non-conformist.

  4. So, they can fit in.

    Nobody wants to be left out..thats the reason they label themselves.

  5. Well, whether you realize it or not EVERYONE has a label. It's a way of describing someone. Like if you're talking to someone and you ask if they know this person they might ask what he/she looks like so a lot of times people with say "oh she's kind of gothic looking". It's not intended to be bad (at least when I use labels, I try not to), it's just a lot easier to say one word instead of describing their whole personality and appearance.

    Some teenagers, however, do use labels to give themselves an "identity" and others do it to put people down.

  6. I think it's a way for people who feel powerless, with no control over their lives, to put some sense of order and impose their will. It gives them a sense of purpose and importance, makes them feel that they matter - that they're more than just a speck of dust on the planet. Doesn't that make sense?

  7. It's not just teens .. And it's not just Americans ... Be real it's a human failing.

        I never watched Barney !   He was a little after my time!


    It seems you've fallen into your own s*** here. You seem to blame this all on Americans .   As I said , a human failing , you'll find it in any culture .. haves and have nots ... my group is better , smarter , cooler , than your group etc. etc. etc.

  8. I had a label, graduated in the early 80s....The labels come from how we are raised, what we learn even before we get to school. I ended up dropping out of High School because of the cliques, I was a Loner, a Stoner....I went through independent study and graduated that way as I also attended welding school, High school to me was a joke,I was new to cali. And did so much better going through the independent study, and gaining a career at the same time... Labels ....Labels.... The kids that dress punk, my kids fell into that catagory in their teens...a phase...just a phase...You ever actually sit down and talk to some of these punk goth kids...Very together...very well thought individuals...Smarter than your average...high school student...I was amazed at the minds of some of the kids I had conversations give some time and get to know these kids that dress funky and'll see what I am talking about...AS far as Labels...they have been around forever...Tho the bible says Judge, and ye shall judged...We are not supposed judge(label) there are certain certainties that we can choose wether we want to explore there existance or merely just acknowlede and ignore...carry on...

  9. It's a way to tell people that they identify themselves to a certain interest group or that they fit into that category.

  10. Teen full of dreams and energy.

  11. Peer pressure to fit in or belong to some group is a large part of the reasoning or lack of it in doing this behavior. I feel that teens seek acceptance in a big way and avoid making their own decisions or avoid labeling out of rejection fears.

    They want the popular or most liked kids to accept them also.

    They feel if they didn't go along with them they'd be outcast.

    It is a sad thing as this delays their discovery of who they really are in a sense I feel. I don't see it stopping but rather being something most outgrow as they mature later.

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