
Why do teens get so angry when someone suggests that teen pregnancy is irresponsible behavior on their part.?

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Getting pregnant is not a RIGHT. It is a major responsibility but to suggest that teens should be more responsible about s*x sets off "YOU are judging us." blather.




  1. Why do you care so much?

    Teen pregnancy is not right, and shouldn't happen, but it does, and for the last week or so, you have been asking questions regarding teen pregnancy, and of course someone is going to take offense to that, especially when you are targeting teen mothers in your questions, when truly the subject has nothing to do with your life, so yea, that's why people think your judging them...

  2. Condoms are only 97% effective, numbskull.

    Some are genuinely accidents.

    I personally don't know why you care, you are ganging up on a group of people and you seriously don't know why they are saying stuff like that?

    You are the Naive one here.

  3. Because teens are stubborn and are extremely defensive when it comes to someone doubting them.

  4. I completely agree with you and I'm a teen.

  5. Because they are unable to handle the load and get knocked up. They get mad because no one wants to pay for their kid and support them in their trailer next to Britney.


  6. They don't like to admit that they were wrong with what they did.  When people bluntly say, "you were irresponsible" they are mad because someone said it.  They are mad at themselves, but they don't want to admit it.  They have a constant battle with themselves and thier decisions in their head, and then they have people rubbing it in.

  7. Well if someone is suggesting it to a teen that is already pregnant, it's out of line. There is nothing that can be done when someone is pregnant.

    If it's being suggested to a non-pregnant teen, then it's probably because teenagers think they know everything. They don't want to be told things that they don't want to hear.

  8. Because no one likes to be criticized even when they know it wasn't the best choice or they were wrong..sometimes it's easier to justify things rather than admit that you were wrong...and that doesn't just go for the younger generation it goes for everyone..there are alot of adults who have children that shouldn't have them. I'm 31 yrs old and have seen many women and men my age and older that just don't cut it as parents...

  9. Because they don't like being reminded of how irresponsble it is and just how immature they really are.

  10. Well, we ge offended bc we already know that getting preggors is not right but it happend and we do not need you to keeps on remainding us that we are young mothers.  At least that is why i get offended, i get enough of that in the real world i dont need that from you too.

  11. because they know EVERYTHING silly lol

  12. because teens don't want to acknowledge that they are now going to have to deal with a consequence from their irresponsibility.

  13. Because they are stubborn and think everyone should care about them, not criticize them.

  14. Telling them it's irresponsible after the fact is kinda like beating up on them.  What good are you doing???   Why don't you ask something like, do you know all the options you have??  Can I help you?

  15. Ok I was a teen mom and i can't speak for all of us but the thing i don't like is the way people act knowing that you're pregnant. People would ask me if I was still in school as if my legs and arms were broken and I couldn't pick up a book! Another thing girls I went to high school with would talk c**p about you but I got pregnant by boyfriend while their sleeping around and giving bjs in the stair case. I happen to get pregnant by someone I'm in love with and just because they don't happen to get pregnant or get abortion after abortion I'm wrong for keeping my baby? I think it's not good to be a teen mom but if you decide to keep and raise your baby (and not your mom!) then you're responsible in my book. And by the way took my regents thats a ny state test to determine if you graduate at 9 months pregant and passe with flying colors and I graduated ON TIME on my daughter's first birth day.

  16. Because teens don't like dealing with life :)

  17. their spoiled and nieve.

  18. I know it's irritating as h**l. It's just as irritating when adults run around and get pregnant with kids they can't take care of. I am sick of going out and seeing people that have 5 kids with 4 different dads and on welfare. It's ridiculous no matter how old you are. People in general need to be responsible. If you can't afford another baby or a new house then don't get pregnant and don't buy the house. It's very simple. Some people I think just enjoy being in a crisis. Just my opinion on this.

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