
Why do teens have s*x when this country is in a major depression?? ?

by  |  earlier

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Do they not think about the consequences? How can you even think about having s*x when you can barely find a job WITH a degree??

Do they not think about it or do they let their body talk?




  1.           isn't that a sign that we arn't in a depression?

      I like how they say we're in one .. when we can still go to walmart and find it packed.... I'll be worried once every one else is....

  2. did you tried doing it? you will have fun also  

  3.   You answered your own Q in a way, in the first sentence, with the word "Think". The answer to that would be NO.

       The correlation doesn't fit all teens however. Nor does it matter that one has a degree and can't find work

      Poverty is an easy breeding arena for s*x, because of cost factors.

      Example: A large family below the poverty level, is large Why? Ignorance perhaps? More likely..."We can't afford a new TV, but we can have s*x to feel good and spend some time."

  4. Firstly, I don't think that young people today think about the economy before they have s*x.  That would be very odd even for an adult.  Secondly, they probably use at least some sort of conventional birth control such as condoms, so they think pregnancy isn't a risk for them.  Sometimes birth control fails or teens don't know how to use it and that's when they get pregnant.  It is human to make mistakes.  Thirdly, your tone suggests that you have a negative attitude toward s*x.  But science proves that s*x has many health benefits when the risk of STDs and pregnancy is lowered or eliminated through the correct use of BC and monogamy.  

    And for the record, the country is not in a "major depression" but rather is heading towards a recession.  Although it is indeed hard to get a job out of college, the unemployment rate was 5.7% in Jul 2008, which is only a little bit over the 4.5% we have gotten used to.  It is nowhere near the unemployment rates during a depression.

  5. Well God made us all sexual beings, so that answers the s*x part.

    Now getting pregnant(teens in particular) is just downright stupid. I'm with ya there buddy. I wish I knew what was goin on in their heads as well.

  6. first of all we are not in a depression we can still do anything we want to and if teens wanna have s*x thats thier problem not urs and if they have a baby how is that gonna harm us in any way thats just stupid of u to think and s*x is natural so they can have it if they want

  7. Because when your young you are just having fun and bloody h**l not many of them do get pregnant so its not a huge issue  

  8. Because there horny.

  9. What does having s*x during a depression have to do with anything?

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