
Why do terrorist sacrifice themselves..?

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what make them do such and act.. being bullied ..? provoked..? retaliation..?




  1. Maybe they see it as the ultimate sacrifice for a desperate cause.

    Would make more sense to live to fight another day surely?

  2. The hate goodness more than they love their own lives - acccording to their America hating / Jew hating state of mind.

  3. to escape exile and improsinment.

  4. they do so in the name of "jihad"; killing other people, even if it means killing themselves

  5. just the same way american force sacrificing themself in iraq and afghanistan . american force is also killing innocent civillians there and in the process they are also killed .

    So called " terrorist " are acting in retaliation to attack of america to there land . they became homeless, there most of the relatives killed by these " peace keeping " forces and they know it is better to die before killing some of the invaders.

    u can only feel this if someone much powerfull than u attacks ur country and start killing aimlessly to innocent civillians ( like u )

    then u can go to such extenct to protect ur home land

  6. There religious belief tells them that they will be rewarded for doing it. They know that they can't come back and complain that they were dooped, once they do it.

  7. That is their religious belief,they believe if they blow people up(that is infidels,an infidel is anyone who is non-muslim)they get to go to their supposed "heaven",that's why they do what they do.

  8. Studies have shown most suicide bombers tend to be educated middle class folks, unlike the stupid Hollywood stereotypes you will no doubt see trotted out here. Like it or not, suicide bombings are an effective counter measure to the west's massive hi-tech firepower. They are the poor man's cruise missile as it were. Zakhari himself said if they had helicopter gunships and cruise missiles they'd use them, but they don't.

    To answer your question, the same thing that makes people become soldiers anywhere, patriotism, a desire to defend their friends and families, devotion to God and country, revenge in some cases. Some are coerced no doubt, some in all armies are coerced, we call our current coercion policy "stop loss" in the USA.

  9. citizen would fight off an invading force, and restrain them from gaining control of resources, their government, banks, economy, and even for agricultural. But, the other would rather get paid to support itself/ or the family, and he'll be forced to point down his gun on the foreign military in order to receive cash.

    if some army invaded our country, I would not just sit there and let them take over, I would get up and die for my country, and the people.

  10. lots of reason really, could be their culture, education, financial condition, believe, etc, etc. take your pick

    but whatever it is, it would probably be quite an extraordinary reason. because extraordinary things warrants extraordinary response.

    take the Japanese Kamikaze of WW II for example, they did what they thought was right(due to their education and culture background), it was also extraordinary time, where their country (despite their believe) are about to be defeated. so in response they did extraordinary things, which is sacrificing their lifes.

  11. They volunteer to the act. Their faith is so strong that they believe they are doing it for their god.

  12. In other some countries it is believed that if you die, killing people for your religion you'll go to heaven.

  13. they do anuthing for a virgin, even if she is 80 years old.

  14. They believe you'll get 72 virgins... -_-"

  15. Because their brainwashed, stupid, and cowardly.

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