why is it that creationists feel that the theory of evolution somehow attacks and rebells againt religous veiws..?
it has nothing to do with the origin of the universe, or how life started on the planet..
it only states how things came from being the simplest forms of life, barely anything more than replicating genetic material.. to the vast diversity we see today.. nothing about how there's no god or anything..
i myself was raised a firm catholic.. and find myself looking more towards a diest guidelines that science can explain it all except for the creation of existance.. i believe god created the universe.. or at least some omnipotent being sparked life on our young planet.. i have no better explination for how it happened..
but evolution as an explination of speciation is a scientific law in my opinion.. hopefully soon the entire scientific community will agree.. there is so much tangible, reliable, testible proof.. and only a few philisophical ones that could even be