
Why do the Ahlul Fitna (Wahabis), keep on defending?

by Guest56476  |  earlier

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the greatest enemies of Islam, the 2 coward dogs Muawiyah and Yazid?




  1. Yazid was an important general and naval commander in his father's Syrian army. As early as 668 the Caliph Muawiyah I sent an army under his son Yazid against the Byzantine Empire. Yazid reached as far as Chalcedon and took the important Byzantine center Amorion. Although the city was quickly recovered, the Arabs next attacked Carthage and Sicily in 669. In 670 the Arabs captured Cyzicus and set up a base from which to launch further attacks into the heart of the Empire. Yazid’s fleet captured Smyrna and other coastal cities in 672.

  2. Because they are criminals like them. I find it amazing how people can love Saddam after they know what he did but then you realize they are criminals like him but they haven't yet been given the chance to do the same crimes as him.

    Muawiyah was not a great sahabi. He was a big hypocrite and an enemy of Islam. A wolf in sheeps clothing. The fact that you defend him makes it clear that either you don't know anything about him or you are brainwashed.

    :-O Look at how they show love for the murderer of the grandson of the Prophet (SAW)! May Allah curse the enemies of Islam.

    This is what I'm talking about Sunnis! The wahabis are not Sunnis! Their cult loves the enemies of Islam, the murderers of the family of the Prophet! Are you, as a Sunni, like them? No? That's because the Wahabis are not Sunnis but they try to make it look like they are to trick you to join their cult and take them as Muslims when you can see here they are the enemies of Allah.

    SiNI, stop lying about the Shia. If anyone wants to know what we believe and why Shiism exists let them learn from Shia sources:

  3. I love Muawiyah and Yazid.... May Allah bless them.

    If they are ur enemy, then u r mine

  4. If defending Sahaba make me wahabi then be it I'm wahabi

    you Raafidhi pig insulting great sahabi like Mua'awiya(rA)

    may Allah punish you for that ..

    the enemy of Islam is your religion shiaism which teach hate and insult and curse and lying

    Shadow it's accoring to your cult called shiaism

    and in your cult called shiaism

    even Aisha(Ra) was a very bad

    according to your cult Omar(Ra) and ABu Baker(Ra)

    was kafirs and evils !

    this is the difference between Islam and Shiaism !

    we love all sahaba

    shiaism religion teach them hate and insulting and cursing!

    there is no religion where command it followers to curse in their Prayer except shiaism

    watch the clip i posted !

  5. Actually they were not!!

    you are insulting!!

  6. As for Mu'aawiyyah Radhiallaahu anhu, he was a great Sahaabi, a scribe of the Prophet salallaahu alaihi wa salam and his brother in law.

    Without doubt he is levels over any of you.

    As for Yazeed, then if you united all the Rawaafidh, then Yazeed is far better than all of them. With all his errors, he was better than any Raafidhee.

    You can keep insulting but as the poet said, the Clouds are not Harmed by the Barking of the Dogs.  

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