
Why do the American's have to bail out all the people in the world?

by  |  earlier

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I get sick because this country pays a million so we can put a landing strip there and on & on I'm just tired Its bad enough that we put factory's on other country's so we can get cheap labor. when is it going to stop!. I must watch to much History Channel and now i don't know what to believe. I Pray for the misfortune and pray for peace. I think we will be done by the weather & people distroying the land to grow the food. I wouldn't doubt there isn't a food War. do you think people will kill for food, I think things are moving to fast, its the middle of April, before you know it it will be Halloween, Thankgiving, and new years. We need a sign to let us know the truth. Science will let us know what's going to happen. Science told us the story, if we don't do anything we are doomed




  1. ????????



  2. You have a good point!!!

    We are the most giving country in all the world!

    We manufacture very little in comparison to what is shipped


    In order to keep up our "Giving Spirit" we must think about

    our own country's needs.

    We definitely are on a destructive path in this country...

    I pray to the Heavenly Father for His Grace and His Peace

    for our country. I ask Jesus, and the Holy Spirit to let us know

    Truth by a sign.

    Science is just now catching up with the Holy Bible.....

    that has been around for over 2000 years!!!

    I know the One that can Illuminate our path away from destruction to construction.

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