
Why do the American Chemical Society and the American Institute of Physics say global warming is real?

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And that it's mostly man made. Few, if any, chemists and physicists get any funding for global warming.




  1. They're probably worried the Pope's gonna burn them if they don't.

  2. Because they actually understand science and the sceintific method and the importance of peer review in that process.

    Unlike birddog, who does not understand these things and makes statements about science that are just plain silly.

    Below are my sources.  And birdogs sources are?

  3. its telling that most of the scientists recruited by the 'skepitc' lobby are 'soft' scientists, maybe they are less likely to 'get' the physical processes going on....

  4. 1. Animals produce Methane Gas ans other Chemical compounds , every-day.

    but you don`t see any Scientists , Lobby-ists or Chemists running around using a large `pooper-scooper`  in this scenario.

    2.rotting carcasses (of animals,World-wide) produce various types of Green-house Gases as well , S.L.C`s in this picture.

    3. Cattle stations , Feed-lots and any location that contains large quantities of Animals produce abundant amounts of G-h  gases.   no S.L.C.`s here.

    4. rotting vegetation in our Forests do the same. simply check out the smell from your Compost heap , but don`t let the S.L.C.`s near it. they have sensitive noses...but they don`t mind `poking` them in around other situations(political).

    5. "Warming" is considered to be `REAL` {but only in its Natural Form and no accurate Rates have been recorded any-where , ever}, and the Level of its Increase (in my Opinion) CAN and IS directly attributed to Man-kind via Manufacturing , Vehicles and Processing Methods introduced into our Life-style , Today and over the last 200 years.

    though it works back to the Principle that is instilled into every-one of us , from Birth....."find some-one else to Blame".  

    The above out-lines have been in-situ for thousands of years..........Man-kind has simply sped the Process along.

  5. They like to lie?  As most environmentalist do?  

    Why do most news reports not carry the fact that the glacier melt is now shown to be just a fraction of what they have been saying?

    I wonder?

  6. And why do so many other professional organizations and accredited scientists say global warming is not a problem?

  7. From the ACS's website:

    ACS Science & the Congress Project

    The activities of the ACS on Capitol Hill are set forth by the ACS Science & the Congress Project. Founded in 1995, project seeks to:

    Enhance the scientific literacy of the Congress

    Increase the level of awareness of the role and impact of science and technology

    Provide credible information on the science underlying controversial policy choices

    Promote the responsible use of sound scientific judgment

    Fill the void left by the downsizing or elimination of government agencies that previously helped Congress assess and interpret scientific information

    Increase the role of the ACS as a nonpartisan source of scientific information

    Foster cooperation within the scientific community in achieving these goals

    Most telling reason the ACS supports AGW is the second to last objective:  "Increase the role of the ACS as a nonpartisan source of scientific information "

    Money and power, baby.

    It's the same with the AIP:

    "In addition, through the Institute, the societies find a unified voice for influencing public policy and for advancing the public’s understanding of science."

    Both societies list influencing public opinion and political policy as chief goals.  Since influence matters, they'll be slow to contradict current opinion without overwhelming evidence to support them.  As we skeptics have repeatedly pointed out, man's understanding of the Earth's climate is so limited we can't begin to determine man's effect.  In such a case, those wishing to maintain influence best "go with the flow"'s the PC thing to do.

  8. You folks cannot really believe that the "institute" is not involved in politics --- AIP's entire front page on their website is dedicated to POLITICS!

  9. What makes you say that few if any chemists or physicists get any funding for global warming.  I can't speak to physicists, but I am aware of several major government funded chemical research programs underway that are directly linked to global warming.  These include methods for CO2 capture and sequestration and use of captured CO2 as a chemical feed stock (in place of hydrocarbons).  I'm sure that there are a number of similar programs in the physics arena as well.

    You also appear to have a very poor understanding about what these scientific societies do.  While it is true that they publish both peer review and popular journals on the field in question, they are primarily lobbying organizations, and their primary function is to promote the interests of their members with the government.  I can say this with certainty because I am a member of several of these societies and I get to see their annual budgets, so I know where the money goes.

    How do you know how many or what percentage receive funding for global warming.  Also, I doubt that all 160,000 membes voted on this policy, thats not how the ACS or any other scientific society that I belong to makes decisions of this type.  Maybe only the ones receiving funding made the decision.  That's how it usually works.

  10. Well maybe if they actually followed the scientific method they would be more credible.  But the normal scientific method was hijacked by politics. Scientists create theories based on assumptions, which are then tested to determine validity before becoming accepted. Acceptance comes when accurate prediction is achieved. The hypothesis that global warming and climate change are due to human addition of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere became a fact before testing began. As Richard Lindzen, Sloan Professor of Meteorology at MIT said several years ago, the consensus was reached before the research had even begun."

    But as Demming says it is not just for economic reasons that scientists saying AGW is real:

    “ Around 1996, I became aware of how corrupt and ideologically driven current climate research can be. A major researcher working in the area of climate change confided in me that the factual record needed to be altered so that people would become alarmed over global warming. He said, "We have to get rid of the Medieval Warm Period."

  11. It's probably that same group of liberals who read books all the time and believe in Darwinism. What part of God's word don't they understand?

  12. Probably because they have no background in history . The planet has warmed and cooled several times since the last ice age. We have irrefutable documented historical evidence to prove this in the last two thousand years via the medieval warm period , which ironically was quite good for mankind and and the little ice age (the dark ages) which clearly demonstrated by the name, was very bad for humanity. Also there is some pretty good evidence to suggest the C02 theory is wrong, warming drives  it's increase rather than what the theory so pompously claims, CO2 causing the warming . Common sense and science definitely fall on the skeptical side. Sadly the emotions of believers have corrupted their analytical skills both in the science and the lay community. Of course money is always involved as well.

    Flyer  In the near future you will see just how bogus your wealth of sources are. I can site many sources, but will it really change your mind? That's what I thought.

    Yes how silly to think the sun may be causing global warming. Wake up people!

  13. Too many Chemicals in their bloodstream?!?!?!

  14. Because they don't care about politics, and they aren't getting paid by the oil companies, so they can say what they actually think.

  15. Global warming is real.  The issue is what is the primary cause of global warming, and can we do anything about it.

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