
Why do the Americans like to brag about saving Britain ?

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in world war II ... and the Canadians don't ... embarrassing




  1. Americans brag about it because we are ignorant.  I apologize on behalf of my fellow Americans, but you can't say we didn't help at least a little bit.

  2. because the canadians barely did anything


  3. Weird. I never heard anyone brag about it. It was a united effort.  

  4. You're right; it's certainly nothing to brag about! j/k

    I've rarely heard anyone say anything about, outside of a Simpsons ep, but without the USA's involvement WWII would most likely have gone very differently, and very badly for the Allies. That's just an empirical assessment of the history of the conflict. But I'm sure they would have done the same for us.

    And Canada does have a military. I'm not sure what they do nowadays but they do exist.

  5. In the same way that they like to lie that they invented everything too.They will tell you that they invented T.V,they didn't.They will tell you that they invented the radio,they didn't.They will tell you that they invented the jet engine,they didn't.they will tell you that they invented the atom bomb,they didn't.They will tell you that they invented the computer and the internet,they didn't.They will tell you anything that comes into the otherwise void that is their head and say it often enough,that they will believe it.The Canadians do have an armed force,they used it in the two world wars,in Vietnam and Afghanistan and Iraq.So,for the Canadians there is no embarrassment or need for it.It is the americans that should feel embarrassment and shame for claiming that,which they did not do.

  6. Really? I thought Winston Churchill of the UK kinda saved the world from Hitler in the Battle of Britain. It was a crucial air battle.

  7. idk. its funny cause it isnt even my generation that did it

  8. does canada even have a military?

  9. because the americans are arrogant, conceited, ignorant and they think they rule the world. one of these days some ones gonna get pissed off at them... again.

    and for that ******** who said we, canada, didn't do anything, he's a perfect example of american ignorance.

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