
Why do the Atheists on Yahoo seem so infurated with the Christians...?

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I asked a question a couple days ago, and I think I worded it wrong. I see questions all the time...mostly Atheist people who have a mean question about my religion. Or a offensive comment to a question asked by a Christian person. I am not meaning to sound rude...and I have seen rude comments..and question from Christians...dont get me wrong..and I am not defending them by any means, but, is it because people throw their religion in your face? What is the reason for such hatred? I want to know, because I have many different friends with different beliefs, including Athiest, and I never knew there was such hatred between the two...well they way it sounds to me..just my opinion, from reading answers on here. But, I want to know, so I don't offend my friends (which religion doesn't come up very much anyways), but I just want to know what has a Christian done, besides believe in something different, that would offend you? Thank you for your answers...




  1. I think it's done mostly to see how far they can push the envelope..atheists like new frontiers and to take on a challenge of the unknown... theists like to believe they've reached the end of their spiritual journey and they have all the answers they need...they are both holding tight to their end of the wish-bone but it just won't come apart - hence the anomosity.. used to bug me, until I started putting this place into the grand scheme of things, this place has no's a fun thing to do when the kids and the wife are away, or I got down time at work, or I'm just waiting for the coffee maker to get me some go-juice...don't invest this place with much importance - none of these people act the way they do on here in real think they do will just drive you crazy...

  2. I don't get that they are any more angry at Christians than Christians are at them.

    There are some people who grew up being forced by family to go to church, given a faulty value system, and then discover on their own that what they were told is more blind faith and irrational myth than fact.

    This can cause great disharmony, psychological difficulty and and even grief at feeling at odds with ones family. I've said it many times and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong; religion has broken up more families than drugs and alcohol.

    Is it really any wonder that resentment and anger sometimes follow?

  3. pagan perspective:

    i think many non-Christians (not just atheists) get a bit tired of those Christians who want the world to operate the way they believe the Bible or their pastor thinks it should.  the world doesn't operate that way.  we cannot allow our SECULAR government, for example, to bow to the "Christian right," just because some Christians get their panties in a wad when they don't like the way things are.

    many of us are weary of dealing with some Christians.  for alot of us, this is the place to vent those frustrations.  i am not saying it's right, it just is.  i know i have been a beotch from time to time.  

  4. Who cares, I don't have to please atheists. If they don't like my posts then they can seek some help.

  5. CHRISTIANITY is not all about religion its about faith..

    sorry i know i didnt really answer your question

  6. To us, "God is a fairly tale that you're better off not believing in" is a very positive statement.

  7. Sounds like a case of the pot calling the kettle black. Atheists are sick of having religion forced on them. Christians are sick of having their beliefs mocked. Though, I must admit, if you use death count as a reference point, Christianity has caused a lot more hatred. Remember the Inquisition? But that's all old stuff, anyway. Now the two groups just protest peacefully. And let's face it, both groups are pretty much self-righteous a******s when it comes to the whole god-is-real-no-he-isn't bit.

  8. Here is why:

    "The ark, was built big enough and strong enough to hold 2 of every kind of animal, including dynosaurs. Looking at the dimensions, scientists have determined that it could hold all of them." - fundie quote

    "Its obvious and science does nothing but continue to prove the existence of God." - fundie quote

    "Dinosaur bones are found buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth. It's obvious to me they were deposited there by the great flood." - fundie

    "Belief in evolution sends thousands to h**l every day." - fundie

    "It,s coming soon,,they are not the only one,s sinning and denying God,,many have gone the way of Satan

    and sinning as to everything under the sun,

    so don't be surprised to see Christ coming

    in the eastern sky anytime." - same ignorant fundie as above

    "Right you are,,,,God created human,s and he made

    the animal,s , thats not evolution,,,,

    atheist do not know what to believe

    they just hopped on the big lie and

    riding the waves,,,to h**l." - same ignorant fundie as above AGAIN!!

    "Because they have let Satan decieve them just as the Bible

    says they would." - fundie

    "im a christian and i believe in god but obviously they say"there is no proof"

    ummm...the bible of course!

    i guess those people that dont believe want to burn in h**l for eternity!" - teenage  brainwashed fundie

    "Evolution was always nothing more than a theory !Creationism is proven through fossils and history !" - fundie

    "That {tattoos} was another way Satan was trying to insult God, by marking His people." - fundie

    "There was no room on the ark for the dinosaurs so they drowned." - fundie

    "It never rained before the flood that is why no one believed Noah." - fundie

    "Schizophrenia is demon possession." - fundie

    "God grew my nail back despite the surgeon's education, surgical expertise, and his protest!" - fundie {Evidently this fundie believes that God would grow her toenail back but allows children to be raped and murdered??}

    "Menopause is punishment for sin." - fundie

    "Yes God created all animals. But He knew that they {dinosaurs} would hurt people, and allowed them to die during the flood." - fundie

    "Science has yet to disprove anything that God has said in His Word. If science says anything different, you'd best question the scientist that said it. God's word is truth. Scientists lie." = fundie

    "Satan caused Adam and Eve to sin, therefore corrupting paradise. Thus decay began. Disease is a direct result of that original sin." - FUNDIE

    "No, even if you were a human vegetable strapped to your hospital bed for your entire existence you would still have original sin." - fundie

    "read "How to know God exists- scientific proof of God" by Ray Comfort." -fundie

    "This age of the earth thing is pointless. Our God can create things aged." - fundie  

    "As a Christian believer I do think the earth is between 6,000 - 10,000 years old and i also believe that the dinosaurs did exist but at the times of Adam and Eve to Noah and they all died during the great flood of the earth." - fundie

    "nope. personaly i don't believe dinosaurs exzisted.

    it's just some freaking scientists's business, make believe...........thing.

    read your bible." - fundie

  9. What does infurated mean?

    Oh, you mean I don't like church folks?

    No, not true, they are cute and cuddly --


  10. There's been just as much, if not more, rudeness towards atheists.  There has also been mass reporting by chrisitans and countless nasty emails from christians to atheists.  Bottom seems believers don't read the bible all that closely because  they seem to forget that you get what you give.

  11. Why are believers so in awe of atheists?

    1) We believers have our own science just like you guys (is pseudoscience, but who's counting, eh?)

    2) How can you not believe? I would be too scared not to...

    3) What happens when you die? Nothing? How can there be nothing? Nothing is too scary for me how come you're so brave?

    4)How come you guys are smart enough to understand the big bang's obscure causality and the lack of necessity of a god explanation as implied in Origin of the Species , but I am not?

  12. It is very hard to determine whether a person is being rude or mean from just reading their written words.  In communication, the actual words carry only part of the meaning and the tone and body language carries the rest.  Sure there are some very obnoxious people from all walks/beliefs here, but mostly no.

    However, you should remember that Christians are using their religion to justify discriminating against people with a same s*x preference and their beliefs as an excuse for willful ignorance while trying to get that willful ignorance taught as an option in science classes.  

  13. its human nature to try and convert you. whether in sports teams, best ice cream. They will always impose their view , so you can imagine in something soo important like relegion.

  14. I do it because they throw it in my face, tell me I'm wrong and going to h**l, and make laws based on their holy book

  15. Both parties i feel should have an open mind to each other. You can get the christians who rub it in their faces but there are some who dont and dont deserve the nasty remarks they receive from athiests and vice versa. When a christian asks a question about athiests its the only time they bite back. I honestly dont know why because they say they dont care but its obvious they do care about what other people think about them.

    Were all different and we should accept each other for who we are. There is no room for prejudice, discrimination in this world.  

  16. In the US, religious Conservatives have a long history (beginning in 1863) of trying to amend the US Constitution so they can force their beliefs and lifestyle upon every American. They are the real threat to America (far more than a bunch of pissed-off Muslims) because they want to replace America’s Constitutional democratic republic with a theocratic-based fascist government based on the humanity- and American-hating doctrine of their Old Testament God.

    There is not a single mention of God, Jesus, or Christianity in the US Constitution; the Founding Fathers voted God out—intentionally. The following was unanimously passed by the 1797 US Congress and signed into law by President John Adams:

    •“As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, …”

    Christians never quit when not trying to force their God into the Constitution—and the lives of every American. They constantly try to amend the Constitution for pathetic non-issues like g*y marriage and flag burning—while they oppose any amendment guaranteeing equal rights to all Americans.

    They are they enemy of science and seek to bring back the Dark Ages. That is the reason they campaign to expel science from our public schools so they can replace it with the mythological stories and folktales of illiterate Bronze and Iron Age goat herders.

    And if not for America’s secular rule of law, they would behave exactly like their radical Islamic cousins. Both groups believe—and have the historical pedigrees to prove—in conversion through genocide and see no inconsistency in murdering, raping, torturing, barbecuing, and hacking-off body parts as a means to spread their spiritual messages of unconditional love and goodness.

  17. Christians have decided to enter politics and run things.

    Jesus preached "turn the other cheek" but the Christian president thought that meant "preemptive strike." Both Atheists and I know there is something wrong.  And to a good measure, this will explain what is wrong:

  18. Too many Christians here like to state that only they could possibly be right and (often gleefully) state that anyone who may hold a different belief will suffer eternal torture in the fires of h**l.  Exactly how do you expect people to respond to that?

  19. The only people I can say I hate, are those who harm children.  

  20. You're tuning out the rude ones to atheists. Many questions are aimed towards atheists either to be rude, or that contain little digs inside (there was one yesterday that asked for atheist's opinions, started out perfectly polite and reasonable, and then out of the blue said atheists were incapable of empathy. Guess how much benefit of the doubt I had ready for the next theist?)

    I have asked no questions about your religion. People that post judgemental questions about one particular topic tend to walk into a passage that they don't want to believe says what it says. But I have never, ever posted a question about why Christians ignore that passage. I never will.

    It isn't hatred I'm feeling; it's just about a tenth of the patience that I used to have. I also see much less of a reason to take questions seriously, or to hold back if a question amuses me.

  21. thats funny im not a christian but i do believe in god . i love to talk about religion and ask questions about christianity . alot of christians do get offended like im tring to attack there beliefs. but alot of atheists are very angry towards them . i have no clue why . its a form of racism to me . very weird ... and a very good question

  22. Because you seem to be the only ones determined to tell us we're wrong, sinning, possessed, evil, lost, etc.  

    You seem to have a huge, faith-wide inferiority complex driving you to validate your beliefs by indoctrinating and converting anyone who doesn't docilely accept your dogma.

  23. As a former atheist, I have to admit to being infuriated with Christians in the past and feeling nothing but contempt for them. The bible says that those who love the darkness hate the light. I had no motivation to feel and act the way I did aside from the fact that the light of Christians exposed me for who I really was... A sinner.

    Don't take offense. Just understand that non-believers will often act this way because they can't help it.

  24. not bothering to search to see if the question has been asked before (which it probably has)

    creating straw man arguments

    assuming all atheists are the same and all think the same

    insulting atheists

    asking a question to atheists then giving the best answer to a fellow xian who agrees with the completely fallacious premise in the question

    and so on.

    That's why some people get frustrated - and I can see you've managed to tick all the boxes in your own question.

  25. "What is the reason for such hatred"

    Why is it that you fundie go over the top ... or is it just USians in general?

    I don't 'hate' anything.

    "including Athiest[sic]"

    I dunno any of them BUT I do know some a-the-ists.

    "what has a Christian done"

    Obviously you've been oblivious to fundie comments on here  - some have been positively disgusting.

    I come heer fro teh lulz and fundie do it best ...

    Especially IRONY.

    Thank YOU ! for your contribution.


  26. Christians offend me when they judge me according to their beliefs, and condemn me, according to their asked...

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