
Why do the BBC always have the rights to broadcast the Olympics in the UK?

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Nobody else ever seems to show it in UK why?




  1. two words

    licence fee

    we've paid for it already - it's the bbc's job to show us all things of national interest (world cup, grand national etc) - it's decided upon in the commons don't ya know...

  2. The BBC own all rights to tv, they set it up in Britain so they decide everything really they allowed sky for example to air its own programmes bu they keep the rights for the olympics.

  3. probably because they have the funds to bid the most money for the rights to show it, because they have all our tax money through the Licence fee

    i think it's best on the BBC anyway ... don't have to put up with commercial and advertising breaks. Non interrupted coverage.

  4. because all the channels pay to broadcast the events and the likes of itv and bbc will bid for the games but it will go to the highest bidder! so they get the rights to it making them the only eligible channel to show it in england

  5. Don't know but it is great not to have any adverts. I hate the adverts in the middle of F1 for example.

    Long live BBC they are good at broadcasting sport.

  6. Because the Government control and monitor everything.

    Then curse others, like China, for doing it.

  7. Because they have a sponsorship deal with the olympics broadcasting association. Have you noticed how F1 is always broad casted on ITV? It's because they got a deal with F1

    However, the contract with F1 has been terminated and F1 in a few years time will be shown on BBC

  8. 1st: The BBC has the best coverage

    2nd: We can choose any sport we want to watch anytime

    3rd: There are absolutely NO advertisements.

  9. i dunno, but the bbc have the best quality in hd so u wouldnt want it on any other channel

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