
Why do the Britz??

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think they they are better than Americans.

they say that the Americans copied their language from them when there is more American English speakers than brit english speakers




  1. They are jealous of us Americans.

  2. we are the only friends on the planet that you lot be nice!!!!

  3. It's the English language - where do you think it came from?

    The English were speaking it centuries before America existed.

    But I don't think British people think they're better than Americans, they just get fed up of some of the ignoramuses on Yahoo Answers.

  4. You have more elbows over there than in Britain, so does that mean we copied you?

    "Theres more American ENGLISH speakers than Brit ENGLISH speakers "  


  5. We are not better than americans, just better than people like you, why dont you learn some english grammar while your here? hope this helps.

  6. We dont think - we know!

  7. There are more American English speakers because you have a larger population, bigger doesn't equal better. The British don't believe they are better then you but they are anxious to preserve their own culture and their own version of the language.

    'copied the language'???

  8. Since when has the volume of something defined where it has originated from?!  We've been speaking English in this country since long before America was even founded so I can assure you that the Americans copied us in this regard.

    And I think your question has in itself answered why the British are better than Americans:

    1.  We're not stupid (see above).

    2.  We're not arrogant (hate to tell you this, but it only makes the stupidity sound worse).

    3.  We can spell and use grammar correctly.

    And in response to the answer above who said we are jealous - exactly what are we supposed to be jealous of?

  9. They don't. You just probably met some ****** who means nothing.


  10. There are around 60 million people in the UK.  Are you trying to say that each and every one of them think that they are better than USA citiziens?  

    I've never heard anyone say that Americans have copied the English language - it is, afterall, to be expected that if you happen to be British and speak English and your family move over there, that you're going to be taking your language with you (people don't develop a new language, purely because they're moving overseas!).

    I'm wondering where you got your facts from too - do you work for the office of national statistics or are you just basing your assumption on the 2 or 3 Brits that you've actually met?
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