
Why do the Chinese insist on lying?

by Guest31710  |  earlier

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Documents printed in China clear show that these 3 girls are 13 and 14, NOT 16. Everybody knows they are lying, so why continue. Why is the IOC allowing this cheating? Are they that afraid of China? Were the IOC member threaten with prison?

I bet this is the last time China ever sees the Olympics.




  1. To be honorable, even if they did lie, they probably will see the Olympics.

    Everyone's standard of them will suffer, though.

    Every country has lied, cheated, and killed each other at one point, and you can't bring one country down, by thinking someones country is any better.

    They probably weren't threatened with prison, since it would be China against the rest of the world,  and who could stand all that awesomeness?^_^

  2. Everyone knows the truth whether anything happends or not. Just like with he Patriots, everyone knows they cheated.

    China is simply trashing their own reputation with these games. Fake opening ceremony....using underage gymnasts....etc...

  3. What evidence and proof are you based on? If they are really underage and can still compete side by side with US team then I would say US team is really really sucks in the way they should go back to school without wasting time n money on the training..if underage is true then we are talking about 13 vs 18 or 19? what a shame to US team....

    Normally asian looks younger than others, they will look more mature when they turn 18 and older. China has no reason to lie about this and only those reported (loser) who found themselves nothing to do out there in Beijing but wanna find something to make it the headline for Olympics, this is how all this started.  

  4. because they are desperate to win the most gold medals and the most medals on their own country.  

  5. you have no proof of their ages, so stfu. so AMERICANS have NEVER lied right? I m ean c'mon, they never use steroids? pfft yea right.

    to the girl who wrote after me:

    HOW MANY TIMES HAS AMERICANS BEEN CAUGHT USING STEROIDS? im not saying gymnastics but in other things. your so ignorant.

  6. Ahh god bless the Chinese. what i find interesting is not their lying. their government lies to their people every day. what is interesting is that they really really really believe that they can get away with it in front of the rest of the world. it is either arrogance or they really think we, the people of the rest of the world are stupid.  

  7. its ambition and once you win the gold medal nothing can take that away from you without a fight.  i remember when china won bronze and the girls that competed in athen looked their age.

    girl above you are so stupid.  the olympic athletes gets tested for steroid consumption practically every time they enter.  You can have real evidence the ones you can touch for drugs but for age there isnt a test you can do.  the chinese team look 14 and one girl looks 9, but whatever as long as corruption happens then we just have to live with it.

    also the little girl in the opening ceromony was lip singing, the didnt have the real little girl perform because they thought she was "[ugly]"

  8. i don't know if any of you have heard of "chinese mind games" but if you have, this is a prime example.

  9. China has been a big pain in the A**

  10. Good Lord...get a life and get over it already.  Nothing like making us seem more like a bunch of babies to the rest of the world then we have already done.  Ya know, it isn't all a big conspiracy of the US team doesn't win a gold medal in every event.

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