
Why do the Chinese reproduce so much?

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When their country is over- populated?I understand they want to be the world power.




  1. because they depend on an extended family for mutual support

  2. Ay-OH! Oh, this query is serious? Maybe they like s*x??

  3. they are only alowed one kid per family..they're are many people that want to carry on the family name so they are aborting  the girls.  US  is reproducing alot faster... i mean find an 18 year old without a kid

  4. The Chinese are actually currently moving toward a negative birthrate because of birth limits pushed on them by the government and because in the urban centers they are adopting a more western culture that does not place an emphasis marriage and family.  Most of the large families are away from the urban centers on farms where a large family is needed to manage the farm.  Also, the Chinese place a premium on having a male child and will continue to have kids, even at the risk of punishment from the government, in order to have a male child.

  5. Not many televisions in china

  6. dunno..............!

  7. In a repressed society where the only entertainment is s@x, what do you expect?

  8. would you say the same about Africa?

  9. There are several reasons contributing to the fact that China is an overpopulated country, as is India. With the entrance of the new era in Europe and North America (around the 1800's), widespread eduction has caused most families to give birth to less children (especially the education of women). Urbanization also contributes to the decrease in birth rates, since on farms, the uneducated and unwise thinks that more sons will contribute to more manpower for farming purposes. This has not occured in China till the late 1960's, with China being an imperial country till the 1930's and then much war and turmoil. Than, Mao Zedong, the leader of communist China for about 30 years, made a law rewarding higher birth rates. The more kids you have, the more reward and social approval you get. This caused China's already big population to increase exponentially. Only by the late 1980's did the government switch hands into a better, more competent leader, and a new law was passed for one child per family. It is still semi-illegal for families to have more than one child in China. The population growth rate in China has decreased from 20% per year 20 years ago to about 1% in 2004 (the last referendum). In recent years, China is facing future population crisis much like North American and European countries in which the younger population is much less than the older population, meaning more jobs will become available but tax rates will go up to support the older, non-working population. So to answer your question in a correct way, the Chinese do not reproduce so much any more. The Chinese do not reproduce any more than people of European ancestry, it is only the extend of the history of the Chinese (which is about 2000 years earlier than the Europeans), that causes the population to be so much greater.

  10. Their culture encourages lots of children, mostly sons, who'll support the parents in their old age.

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