
Why do the Cubs have so many fans? They suck!?

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Ive seen the Cubs 3 times. Each time Ive seen them there have been more Cubs fans than the home team fans. Why is this? They are pathetic.




  1. Maybe the home team sucked.

  2. People that don't have a specific team that they like because of their location and/or the people around them generally have 2 choices:

    The favorite or the underdog

    That's why the Yankees, Cubs, and Red Sox (who have been both favorite and underdog in the past few years) always have a lot of fans everywhere

  3. why are you a wrestilng fan? its fake!

  4. Because being a Cubs fan actually means something.  We're more faithful then any other fans in all of baseball.  Also just because they haven't won a World Series in 99 years doesn't mean they suck.  You do know they only give out 1 World Series trophy a year right?  I'm guessing you have no clue what being loyal means.

    EDIT:  Terry, what you said is the most retarded thing I may have ever heard.  A team doesn't suck if they don't win a championship.  The 2001 Mariners had 116 regular season wins, they didn't in it all, did they suck?  The 2007 New England Patriots had a perfect season going into the Super Bowl, they lost to the Giants, no championship, do they suck?  They'll probably go down as 1 of the greatest football teams ever even without the championship.  Those are just 2 examples, I could go on but I don't really want to continue making you look foolish with that dumb statement you made.

  5. It's got something to do with Harry Carry, but i don't know what.

  6. im not a fan but thay dont suck they are like the 4th best team in the major leagues

  7. Because, the Cubs have always had one of the most devoted fanbases in the MLB. Go down to Wrigley field for a game sometime, its something everyone should do. Those are good fans, they stick with thier team through the rough parts (or centuries). Its just like the Yankees and Red Sox fans, theyre everywhere. Same applies to the Cubs fans, theyre the 3rd biggest fanbase in baseball.

  8. Excuse me?  By best friend is a cubs fan and everyone has a right to like what they like.  what if i said that something that u liked sucked!! Sorry to angry.TTYL

  9. They dont care if they win or lose, I mean the cubs fans. Same goes for the red sox fans they dont care if they win or lose.

    To me if the red sox lose. They lose oh well they will fight tomorrow or the next day.

    BTW, Why do you have to be so rude? Loyal fans stick with their team through and through.

    Terry C, I never said i didnt care.. What I mean is, THERES NOTHING ANYONE CAN DO ABOUT A TEAM LOSING. IT HAPPENS..

  10. Because real fans dont give up on their team. The Cubs have very loyal fans. And the Cubs dont suck. They have the best record in the NL and the second best in all of MLB.

  11. Actually, i think what's even more pathetic then the Cubs is the fact that you have seen teams who actually seem to have fewer fans then the Cubs do in their home park.

    maybe the question should instead be, "How pathetic does a team's fan base have to be to get outnumbered at their home park by the visiting teams fans?"

    People like you need to make up your minds.If a team is successful and draws, you accuse all of the fans of jumping on the bandwagon. And when a team that has not had much success, you are critical of those fans. Sorry, but you can't be pissed off at both.

    And you may want to actually take a little peek at the standings. Pretty weird that a "pathetic" team is winning the division. I'm not going to be silly and make any guarantees, but I would have to guess that that must make the 27 or so other teams in MLB that have a worse record "pathetic" in your mind as well.

    Of course, I also have to wonder why you have bothered to go see a "pathetic" team 3 times as well. I guess "stupid is as stupid does".

    Quit note to Frosty - The Cubs have had 11 seasons with over 2.5 million in attendance. Of these, 6 were seasons above .500, and 5 were below.

    In addition, they have had 4 seasons of 3 million or more in home attendance. 2 of which were LOSING seasons.

    So yea, they can sell tickets with a losing team.

  12. The Cubs have a very devoted fanbase and in a way I admire that. Most people who grew up as Cubs fans are still Cubs fans today. If you are basing the Cubs by their entire history of losing, you are wrong. The Cubs are doing excellent this year, and if you have only watched 3 Cubs games in your life, you are not qualified to say "they suck" when you don't understand that they lead the league in the standings. Lousy baseball fans give up on their teams when things get nasty. Cubs fans are true to their team.

  13. It's called loyalty.  Not everyone is a fair weather fan.  Your team does not have to win a world series for you to cheer for them.  Not to mention that they only have one of the best records in the league right now.

  14. im sick of the loyal speech from cubs fans.  Wrigley field didnt sell out when they were losing did it?  Loyalty, christ you guys are full of c**p.

  15. Its not about baseball with cub fans, its about partying and getting drunk.  Its like a frat of sorts.

    Ever try to talk baseball with a cubs fan?  They are usally to drunk to answer.

  16. Because there are lots of people that live in Chicago. Good luck

  17. I love how the one guy above me said that just because they havnt won in 99 years doesnt mean they suck.  Accutally not winning is the exact meaning of sucking when talking sports.   If you dont win it all then your team sucked.   You can say they did good all season but then they sucked in the playoffs or they played good in the playoffs but sucked in the world series.  Either way if you didnt win it all you sucked at one point in the season which would mean that the cubs have sucked for 99 years.

    Im a cardinals fan and usually when I talk to cub fans they know stats and everything, they know baseball.  But recently since they have been doing good most fans I talk to cant even name the cubs whole lineup let alone argue stats with me.  I know you guys have loyal fans but this year is just bad for band wagoners and fair weather fans for the cubs.  

    Plus you guys are only 2 games up now.  I would start sweating.

    To the RedSox fan above:   You just gave the definition of a fairweather fan, which apparently you are.   You say if your team loses " OH WELL".   How can you not care.  Yes they will go on and fight tomorrow like you said, but every game means something to a true fan.  I get pissed and say they shoulda put this pitcher in or put that pinch hitter in or something if they lose.  Because I know every game matters.   If you have no feelings other than "OH WELL"  when they lose or win.  You are a fairweather fan.

    Frosty D makes a good point too...

  18. I assume you mean why are there so many Cubs fans at away games. The answer is simple, there are over 3,000,000 people in the city of Chicago alone. Factor in higher than average job pay, and two major airports with discount airlines and you have a traveling fan base! Its really less to do about the cubs performance and more to do with millions of cubs fans having the accessibility to travel around the country to root for their team.

  19. cuz they are old and one of the original mlb teams. but trust me i think the world series drought will keep going another hundred years lol

  20. not everyone jumps on every bandwagon that comes along. some fans are loyal thru the good & bad times.

    38 year old, life long Cubbie fan

  21. They always were the loveable losers. Sort of like the Steelers...

  22. Loyal Fans and they're doing good this year, what can you ask for? You say that they're pathetic but they have one of the best MLB records right now in the season.

  23. Its That Why They are leading the Central?

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