
Why do the Dallas Cowboys suck so much?

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Why do the Dallas Cowboys suck so much?




  1. Jerry Jones is an idiot owner who thinks he's a football genius.  Wade Phillips is just an interim coach while their young offensive coordinator is being groomed to take his place.  Jones likes coaches he can shove around, and that is why Bill Parcells bailed.  Look for them to have a bad season as TO freaks out and Romo screws up from spending too much time with his girlfriends.

  2. They don't suck as bad as you think.  There is a perception that they suck because they can't win the big games.  They have very few offensive weapons on this team and play in the weak conference where they look like world beaters almost every week.  If they played in the AFC their record would not be as good as it is right now. Tony Romo is a decent QB and T.O. is a very good player.  If he would only just play football. After these two there is not a lot of offensive talent on this club. The boys are the one of the media hogs of the NFL and get way too much press because of T.O. behaviour and the nosy people who want to know Romo's every move in public.  The bottom line with this team is they are great out of the gate in September but they can't get it done in December.   Conversely look at what the Giants did last year when it counted.    

  3. i wouldnt say they suck they just have a qb that chokes in big games

  4. cuz tony romo cant get passed the first game of the play offs....

    and they are americas team

  5. They're emulating your mama?

  6. I have never wasted any brain power thinking about ...Why, but now that you mention it, I will have to put in more effort to figure this one out. All I know is that they do suck, I hate the Cowpukes!! Maybe it is a collective thing, their fans suck, so therefore, the Cowpukes suck...hmmmmmm  

  7. Can you tell me the basis of your conclusion...what facts are you basing this on?  

  8. S D, you said it all .

  9. They don`t. They are actually quite talented. I would say they are about one qb and head coach from winning a superbowl.

  10. they do not

    thats why there gonna win the super bowl this year

    they are americas team

    ur just jealouse bc ur team suck ur mom

  11. because everyone likes an underdog and hates teams that win all the time. I actually despise the Cowboys the most of any NFL team. GO PACK , Title-town Rules!!!

  12. ARE YOU SERIOUS????? The cowboys are going to win the Super Bowl  

  13. SD said it should give him the 10pts

    South Americas team hasn't won a playoff game in over a DECADE!  Yet cowboy fans think they deserve a superbowl ring? Yeah right, in the meantime, look at the Giants ring cowboy fans and dream.

  14. S D said just about all of it in his answer and deserves the 10 points. But let me add to it. The Cow patties love drug attics, thugs, and all other kinds of criminal element on their team along with players who are just plain a$&holes. That must be a course you have to take to be a Cowboy. Let's not forget people, there is another huge reason everybody hates them. They get away with murder. How many games have the refs given to them?!! And this goes back to the 70's people. Look at the Hail Mary pass against the Vikings in the NFC championship game in '75. The Cowboy receiver pushes off and pushes the defender down, and they call the penalty on the Viking!!!!! And that's just one example of dozens and dozens and dozens of games Dallas has had handed to them because they are not good enough to beat real teams. Don't get me started on Super Bowl 30! I'm not just talking about Neil O'donnell being bought off. I'm talking about their first 2 touchdowns of that game. An illegal pick on Chad Brown to get their first touchdown, go figure. And Emmitt Smith down at the one foot line and reaches the ball over the goal line after he was already down! Listen to Paul Maguire's commentary after those plays, he'll tell you. It's fact people, the Cowgirls are arrogant, overrated, obnoxious, soft, pathetic losers! America's Team?? PLEASE!!!!!!!!! Dallas SUCKS in every way. Get them out of here! Besides, my Steelers always have and always will own the Cowboys! Word!!

  15. The Patriots are going to be Americas team now hahaha

  16. Because your team is SO much better. (but not at football).

    Jealous hater on Yahoo Answers. How original.

  17. LOL.

    I see you drew out all the Cowboy haters with your question.

    The Cowboys are a team that have a rich history, and have established a reputation as being a winner.

    So, it's easy for people to take shots at them.

    There are only 2 attitudes about the Cowboys.

    You either love them, or you hate them.

    Nothing in the middle.

    When they struggle, and can't get over .500 during a season, no one bothers them, but when they have a 13-3 season, everyone wants to bad mouth them.

    It's true with any successful team, people love to hate them.

    Yes, Jerry Jones is becoming famous giving troubled players a second chance. Not that I agree with it all the time, but he owns the team.

    How many of those players have been in trouble since they joined the Cowboys?

    All the Cowboy fans hated T.O. for the whole "star" incident before he got there.

    Now, after catching a bunch of TDs, it's amazing how forgiving fans can be. Now they love him.

    Any one of these people shooting their mouths off about the Cowboys being a bunch of criminals and what not, would have been jumping up and down if their teams would have signed T.O., Pacman, or Tank Johnson.

    But since they went to the Cowboys, they just bad mouth them.

    So you and your buddies can sit and say they "suck" all you want.

    The proof will be on the field this season.

    Maybe they will win, maybe they will lose.

    But I will always be a Cowboy fan, no matter what you people say about them.

    I love how people can criticize Romo for running off to Mexico with Jessica Simpson. Like any man on the planet would turn down that chance.

    So keep talking trash all of you, and we will see what it looks like in January.


  18. what do u mean they suck??? they've had a winning season the last 3 years in a row!!! their only downside is they haven't won in the playoffs since '96!!!

  19. Reason #1 is because they have an awful Head Coach.

    Reason #2 is because the players are having a tough time focusing on playing football and instead are focusing on Jessica Simpson. I know she often distracts me a lot and I've never even met her.  

  20. The reason the Cowpies suck so much is that they're the first ones to buy into their own hype:

    MYTH 1.  America's Team?  Outside of the Cheatriots, there is no more truly despised team in America than the Cowpies.  It's the arrogance.  From the owner to the coach to the players to the fans, they act like THEY are the NFL.  They've been missing their wake up calls for about 20 years now.

    MYTH 2.  More Pro-Bowlers?  Sure, on paper they look like the most talented, most highly paid Pro Bowlers in the league.  Problem is they are all ME players.  Do any of them put team and heart over their own egotistical selves? No way. TO's famous crying defense of Romo after the Giant-Pies playoff game was ALL about TO, not Romo, for example.

    MYTH 3.  A Family Oriented Team?  Yeah, maybe you would have an argument if we were talking about the team and owner back in the days of Tom Landry.  Today's team is made up of thugs and criminals and a QB who goes cavorting off to Mexico with Simpson.  Great role models for kids, huh?

    MYTH 4. A Fan Oriented Team?  Who's idea was it to start Personal Seat Licenses in the NFL?  Jerry Jones is a mercenary sucking up to over $100,000 per seat from fans in their new stadium.

    MYTH 5.  A Legendary Coach?  Well, maybe his father Bum Phillips was a character, but Wade can't see straight.  He's still in denial over that loss to the Giants in the playoffs saying, "The better team didn't win today."  The better team is the team that wins the game, Wade.  Get a clue, buy a vowel.  How can you expect decent coaching from a guy who won't accept any responsibility for their losses?

    MYTH 6.  Great Fans?  Those fans are the worst trash talkers in the league.  Visit all the team forums.  You'll see fans from other teams congratulating other fans over their wins.  The best fans I've seen online are the Green Bay, Saints, and Giants fans.  Truly gracious and objective.  The worse smacktalk comes from the Cowpies fans.  They sign into their opponents' websites and take over their forums, with threads and threads of smack.  As soon as the Cowpies lose, the cowards slink away.

    So the sucking is universal in Dallas.  From the owner to the coach to the players to the fans, they all suck.  Their collectively bad karma from years of arrogance to other organizations has left them high and dry ISO another SB.  

    Yeah, they might make the playoffs this year, yet again.  Romo is, what, 0-4 in playoff games?  After they make the playoffs, they'll buy into their own hype again--just like last year--and choke on the critical plays of the game.

    As far as sucking in general, as much as we all may hate the Cheatriots, the Cowpies suck even more.

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