
Why do the Democrats insist on putting forth unacceptable candidates like Obama?

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Why do the Democrats insist on putting forth unacceptable candidates like Obama?




  1. Can you say the republicans do a better job?  

  2. racist

  3. Obama is quite acceptable to me..

    Why is the republican party putting up another retarded man?

  4. We don't.  Big Media has pre-selected both McCain and Obama for us voters to chose between.  Big Media decides who is "worthy" of exposure on TV, radio, and newspapers.  Thus, the most highly qualified candidates of both parties automatically lose exposure, and lose financing, which is the key to getting elected.  Ross Perot was the only person I can remember who was rich enough so that he didn't have to raise funds to run for president.  (I liked him, but didn't vote for him.)  It's all about the money, honey...  The White House always goes to the highest bidder!

  5. They are desperate to jump on the unpopularity of Bush and take as much as they can from the Republicans before the voters realize that they, the voters, are getting screwed by a Democratic Majority.  They just need Obama to seal the deal in November so they can keep on s******g with the Congress for a few more years past 2010.

  6. Because this is the best that the democrats have! When your platform is based on 19th century communism, translated by a stoned '60's hippie, you really can't be expecting too much.

  7. for the exact same reasons the republicans do. there are no acceptable candidates. no person that could or would do any good, would put themselves under the ridiculous microscope that is our media coverage.

  8. I'll take him over the Republican candidates anyday.

    How is it that Republicans keep throwing out these candidates whose accomplisments are mediocre at best? Who have only had the advantages and positions in life through the connections of their parents. Then they take their below average intelligence combined with thier overinflated ego and take us all down the toilet bowl.

  9. they tell each other lies to the point reality becomes blurred..

    once you have convinced your self anything about your candidate you don't like must be a lie put out by republicans..

    you can nominate any unqualified person...and believe that they will win

  10. Because they love to lose. Sadly the problem is the liberals run the party and idealists never chose based on the best candidate.

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