
Why do the Democrats think money is the answer to everything?Do they not know McCain is about cutting spending?

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McCain is about cutting spending and creating jobs. Where Obama thinks more spending is the answer to everything. Obama wants to raise more money to spend more money, but our votes are not for sale. Joe Lieberman should you where you can stick your money. Money will not solve your problems, you have just ran into the straight talk express.




  1. Answer one question to answer your question: Why did Republicans bring us to Iraq?  

  2. Our biggest expense is the iraq war and mccain wants to continue it.  He talks about victory, but who are we fighting?  We already took out sadam.  Right now we are just policing their civil war.  At-least obamas spending would help Americans instead of iraqis.

  3. Oh really?  Then why did he vote for all those spending increases over the past 8 years?  Government spending is at an all time high, and unemployment is rising as we speak.  Why did McCain go along with the policies that led to this?  Remember - 95% of the time he voted with Bush on this increased spending.

    Enlighten us.

    Straight Talk Express - yeah right, why has he shut that down when too much media attention was brought about his hypocrisy and flip-flopping on almost ever major issue.

    You have been fed a bunch of bull and are regurgitating it without even doing your homework to see if it's true.

  4. Republicans sent us to Iraq just like Democrats would have. Both McCain and Barack Hussein Obama said they wanted a temporary troop increase. Will are in trouble if Obama is elected.

  5. simple economics will tell you that if funding isn't cut off,and the war in Iraq continues,funding cuts will impact the people that need it.his" having the government create jobs" smacks of socialism,something Obama critics have been screaming since day one.the list goes on.........

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