
Why do the English make fun of Wales & the Welsh?

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Why do the English make fun of Wales & the Welsh in particular?

Im speaking in films and on the tele. If "wales" is mentioned the actors say "oh is it as bad as that?" or "oh no, not wales". Or Welsh being used in the derogatory.

I hear it used about every other area like Ireland & the Irish and every other place, but why the direct special distaste for the Welsh & Wales?




  1. Innocent banter. Cymro bach, threatened by the foreign presence on their doorstep? Don't make me laugh. I respect the Welsh, but when it comes to the UK they are insignificant.

  2. It's just a typical regional joke and doesn't have any special significance. If you're in Wales people say exactly the same about England and the same goes for England and Scotland.

    In England itself people make the same sort of 'oh no not there' comments about other parts of England (eg London and the North)

  3. I thought it was the other way round?!!!

  4. Well I suppose a lot of it is joking, I'm half Welsh and live in London and a lot of my mates makes jokes about my nationality and it is often in good fun.

    But I suppose there is also ignorance to it as well and a feeling of national superiority, that they feel that England owns Wales and the Welsh are just a bunch of inbred sheep shaggers. That is also stuff I hear and I notice there is a distinct lack of knowledge of the culture and all they know is the stereotypes.

    I'm sure there are probably some attitudes like that in Wales towards the English but as I don't live there I can't possibly comment with certainty.

  5. idk, probably has to do with wales not worried so much about material things as the english do. likening them to to "backwater cousins".

    i agree with Cumro bach ... jealousy.

  6. dont worry, Wales is the new but of the jokes. It used to be Scotland or Cumbria or Yorkshire or Cornwall...anywhere that isn't london :P

  7. Shakespeare started it. Haha. Read any of the Historical Henry plays, the Welsh are always portrayed as unintelligent and inferior, not saying it's true.

  8. It's jealousy that even though after 600 years of English domination the welsh culture is flourishing the language is still heard on the streets in almost every town. And they feel threatened by what's to them a foreign presence right on their doorstep. This has always been the case. English people move to Wales and complain about the language being everywhere and complain about everything and anything in my opinion if it's that bad why do 600 000  emigrate here every decade:S

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