
Why do the English speak in such a way, with such annoyance, as though their g*y?

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Seriously, most English people I have met sound as though their g*y, I know, well actually I hope its just the way they speak but why do they have to sound so pouncy? Even here in Sydney, the English appear somewhat weak and generally lacking in 'toughness', this may or may not be true, but why must they sound so g*y?




  1. Do leave it ahht. Proppa Estuary English sounds nuffink like g*y, You must be 'anging rahnd wiv some Kiwis.

  2. That's silly, what does "g*y" sound like?

  3. I think they sound profound, and i like it. I would much rather listen to an Englishman, then an Australian......their accents are annoying.......

  4. Hmmm, i hear what your saying, but maybe the people your talking to have feminin ways...... who knows.

  5. Hehehe...

    We sound "g*y" so you trust us with your women.

    Then, when you're out sheep-shearing and drinking Castle Maine 4X we're introducing them to what real manhood is and fertilising them for you. This in the hope of improving upon your own genetic prison-stock.

    But don't thank us!

    We happily do it for the women of any nation which doesn't produce real men of it's own :o)

  6. I say old chap, laying it on a bit thick, aren't you?  

  7. Dumbass, It still amuses me how people can think a way of speaking can be "homosexual". A way of speaking is not even a gender, so it really can't be homosexual. Do me a favor and open your eyes please.

    "Pale skinned, slighty built physically weak Englishmen"

    Haha, there are things more important than physical builds, for example the soul and the heart inside it.

    To answer your question: People speak the way they want and its your stupid problem if you don't like it, deal with it.

    I mean, I speak different than english/britain people. But do they begin to say I sound dumb or stupid? Not as far as I have seen. They're intelligent enough to keep their opinion from themselves as they know it annoys people.

    I maybe find their way of speaking a little unusual, but that's only my opinion and I wouldn't make a question that's so stupid to ask about if it was g*y, because I know that wouldn't really make people happy, now would it?

    And to counter: Nope, i'm not american, i'm from Denmark, hahaha. Æd lort.

  8. What do you mean by g*y? If you mean camp then I don't think us English speak like that! The only camp English person I have met who sounded camp WAS g*y. I don't know what English people you have met, but if you actually go to England and speak to people we do not sound "g*y".

  9. Hi Me Again

    I think you are leading with your chin making that statement. From the look of the previous answers you have received a few "hits".

    Having visited England, having many English acquaintances & having lived in Australia for around 7 years. I am reasonably familiar with the different accents.

    I enjoy a good well spoken English accent & I don't find Australian accents a problem either.

    A mature person accepts peoples differences & expands their knowledge & experience from the opportunity to be exposed to these differences.

    Have a good day.

    Always a Kiwi.

  10. Up yours, sheep-shagger.

  11. I wish I spoke gayly...

  12. it reeli is not true i dont know what english people you have met

  13. Before you criticise our language, learn some grammar.

    "They're" is an abbreviation of "they are"

    "Their" is a form of possesion.

    Tsk, tsk, your credibility is zero.

    btw, "Well I say there old chap" is how we used to speak 70 years ago and it's not g*y, it's RP (look it up)

  14. The Aussies in London sound brutal after a few drinks.

  15. well firstly no one says "old chap" anymore and its called being well spoken. There are lots of things about your dialect that I'm sure us English find annoying but theres no need to comment on it.

  16. ""Good day to you than Sir.....Tallyho than old chum!"

    Funny that, only I've never met an English man who would say anything of the sort.  I think you're about 80 years out of date here, mate.

    Anyway, to quote the Barmy Army:




  17. Oohh...stop muckin' about!

  18. I think the English accent is cute. And Riley, i have seen a couple of questions you were on where you claim to be American. L.O.L!! Identity issues?

  19. I hope you conduct yourself better in real life,you could get into a lot of trouble with your over generalising and untrue remarks.Everybody is different and we should welcome that.

  20. ''Even here in Sydney'', The g*y capital of the world, come on out your closet ya weak beer swilling, skippy lover poofter.

  21. What's wrong with sounding/being g*y?

  22. You have bigot's ears.

  23. You've met MOST English people then?

    It's they're NOT their - learn to use the correct there, their and they're and you won't appear to be as big an ignoramus as you do here!

  24. Hey if we are categorising whole nations based on their accents how come all Australians speak as though every sentence is a question? with the tone of their voice rising at the end of a sentence!

    I am English and the only g*y sounding people I know are g*y, so I don't understand where you are coming from. Think you mean Poncy not pouncy too.

  25. how very dare you my friend! we just have the ability to speak properly so good day to you and have a wonderful day and hope you meet lots and lots of wonderful English people with whom you can learn to tolerate and maybe learn to speak much better yourself!

    my dear friend i have just read your edit and i feel you may have some rather serious issues within yourself? perhaps you need to seek help for this bitterness you have inside your soul? i wish you all the very best because one feels you may need it ...old chap!

  26. Thats something you and me will never know aye :) Its coz their voice doesn't sound masculine and that makes them seem ****** like.

  27. You're a prick.

  28. The English accent is just what English sounds like when everything is pronounced correctly.

  29. Mate, you're a bloody idiot!  Everyone has an accent and it doesn't matter a toss if you like it or not, so just get over it.  How rude can you get, saying a whole country sounds g*y.  Have you ever been to England?  They actually have many different accents, ie: Manchester, Liverpool, Yorkshire etc. and I'd like you to tell some of those guys they sound g*y, you'd be in hospital in a minute.  Besides which, your arrogant, ignorant comments make all us Aussies look bad.  To all the English people reading this, not all Australians are of this opinion. I think your accents are great.

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