
Why do the GOP have conflicting "facts" about Obama?

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Why do Republicans criticize Obama's CHRISTIAN pastor and then say he is Muslim? And why do they think he is a Communist also?




  1. He's not a communist he is a socialist just as bad,

  2. They cannot keep their lies straight.

  3. I haven't seen anyone say he's a Muslim in forever.

    But if they do, you can probably chalk it up the the fact they, unlike you, think for themselves.

  4. obama is a socialist, and so was stalin, mao, castro, all of the latter running on a platform of change. sound familiar?

  5.   Facts mean nothing to the GOP. They prefer rhetoric and spin.

  6. because they have nothing else to criticize him about...there running scared.

  7. I don't know any christian that's takes the Lord's name in vain,like Wright did in the pulpit. Obama has a muslim background his father and his stepfather were muslims. According to Muslim law if you're born to a Muslim father then you're muslim. Not all GOP thinks Obama is a muslim but that's why some do say that. Obama is a socialist which is the redistribution of wealth.

    There is one fact that is always true Obama is the worst choice for pres. He would actually be worse than Jimmy Carter.

  8. It is only the extreme right that says he is muslim, not all the GOP. They also criticize his pastor because what he said was wrong, and most of the GOP does agree on that.

    EDIT: How can the criticism of his pastor be a lie. What he said is well documented and Obama to his credit, denounced what he said.

    EDIT: Yeah, what I"m saying is that only extreme right wing idiots say he is muslims and we all know that is a lie, including most Republicans. The issue with his pastor is true.

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