
Why do the Irish speak so fast?

by Guest55844  |  earlier

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Why do the Irish speak so fast?

Btw, i love the Irish accent!!!!




  1. I'm from Ireland and yes I have been told very often that I speak very fast when I'm speaking but us Irish people don't notice it cause to us its normal its just the way we are.

    Its like part of us like our accents something we just do.

  2. because we like to say what we have to say in the shortest time possible.

  3. I don't think we speak fast at all actually.

    I suppose it depends on what part you're from.

    I'll star this to see my non Irish contacts opinions! LOL

    = )

  4. Ive been told I speak very fast even though I know I dont. I guess when irish people talk there less drawwwwl. We wont say "Hi. do yoouu want to go to the shoooop?" We'll just spurt it out as "Hi. D'you wanna go t' theshops?". Its probably just down to us simplifying the language.

  5. cz we r all geniuses (genei??) and we just HAVE to say wt we r thinkin so it all comes spillin out....or ur just not used to r accents.....

  6. Because we're in a rush to the pub and we want to get the talking done out of the way before the drinking starts!!haha

  7. irish people do speak fast

    its only obvious when talking to people from other countries

    as to why... it might be that our brains just work at a higher level lol

  8. we've got a lot to say...

  9. I'm not Irish but I think when someone is not use to a countrys language or accent it seems hard to follow and seems as though they are speaking really fast..before I knew spanish I always thought the hispanics spoke really fast, but now that I understand the language I dont think they speak fast at all

  10. you mean when we speak irish?

    or just english?

    i dont think we speak fast lol

  11. Tanx!!! me 2!!! lol! I duno I dont think i do!!! In irish or english??? =)

  12. I never notice how fast I speak. It just kinda happens I spose!

  13. Do they? I didn't find that myself, but I have been told that I speak fast as well. Some areas just do, I guess.

  14. when we Irish go to another country we think the people speak fast, i suppose if your not use to the language it will sound fast and hard to follow

    in some other counties in Ireland i think its hard to understand the language from one county to another

  15. Yes, we do have our puff bags...It must be the clocks.. we observe GMT....a half hour behind UK and one hour behind France  we have a lota catching up to you know!

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