
Why do the Japanese consider the board game of 'Go' a martial art?

by Guest56034  |  earlier

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And give out kyu and dan rankings to distinguish ability?




  1. Same reason why Westerners consider Chess a sport and award Master and Grandmaster rank to distinguish ability. It's not about physical superiority, it's about mental discipline, which is the main focus of most traditional martial arts.

    For those who are not familiar with the game check this out:

  2. Part of Martial Arts is mind development. In most of the traditional arts anything that would be a mental challenge is considered part of training. Also scholarly pursuits were considered as  important for the "Martial Artist". The Martial Artist is expected to excel in all areas of his life. In  ancient China Calligraphy was sometimes considered to be important to the training of a Martial Artist.

  3. now we know why katie married him!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO once learnt and it's strategys mastered is played swiftly almost by instinct developed by long practice.Samurai were known to judge anothers skill with the sword by the way they played the game.

    It is a martial art of the mind probably your most important weapon.

  4. mental training,strong smart mind=smart pysical capabilitys

  5. We have to remember that Kyu and Dan ranks were not inclusive to Japanese martial arts.   Kyu and Dans are just grades.  

    In Japan, A teacher of Ikebana is called Sensei.  In fact, The Japanese pretty much put ranks in everything they do.  

    In the old days, the art of Shodo ( Calligraphy) was considered a martial arts.

    As for the Japanese considering the game of "GO" as martial arts, this would be the first time Ive heard of such impression considering "go" is of a Chinese origin.   Then again the Japanese considers every little thing in their life as an art form.

  6. wow-

    the only thing I know of that is called "go" is a crappy movie with the poor woman who tom cruise keeps as his slave starring in it.

    I hear he doesn't even have s*x with her, he forces her to wear a strap on and do him.

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