
Why do the Kiwis think we all have to like & respect the Hakka?

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I really don't see any connection between a Maori War dance and Professional Sport???????

Imagine if the Australian Kangroos (the World Greatest Rugby League Team) insisted on an Aboriginal dream time dance prior to any home game????????????????

The Best event I ever saw was when the mightky Australian Kangaroos (RL) walked up face to face to the Kiwis and stared them down during their little haha routine.......I mean seriously, its fine if its a tribal War dance, or a show of respect, but either way, what right does NZ have to insisist on the haka???????

I say put handbags on them and make them play like men, not bowing to some foreign God or in memory of Ancestors in the land of the 'Long White Cloud'........Sport is different to Politics, NZ try to enforce their views, like 'you gotta respect the haka man' bs, WHY?




  1. Yet another spotty, hateful, racist australian, with a small p***s, hiding behind a keyboard , attacking a culture they don't understand and are threatened by. Go back to your little redneck hole and cry for the "good ole days" of when australia was "for aussies" only ( oi oi oi)....they're LONG GONE, haka, the proud Maori wardance , and a powerful symbol of a proud culture, is here to STAY...whether you like it or not, weasel.

  2. Personally we don't give 2 dams whether you respect or don't repsect the Haka and all you little Australian Fools no that, Ask Willie Mason LMAO.  We have a great thing called respect for the indigenous people of our land and as a pay of respect to the founding fore-fathers we honour them, our people and our land.  Now what about you???  He's a true Australian for you, lack of respect for anything apart what his/her fore fathers stole, rapped the Aboriginies and Shipped them out of Sydney during the commonwealth games from Redfern to places like Dubbo so the world wouldn't see the true Australia.  You're so proud but yet you have nothing. You claim League but their aint to many teams playing it so don't be to proud, but then again you could claim AFL oh no one else plays that either.  I would love to see Australians respect the Aboriginal People, why shouldn't you, you idiots sing that g*y song "Waltzing Matilda" to rev up your rugby team, personally thats more g*y than the English National Anthem.  I think you should read some history before you try and dribble on a big boys page!!!!

  3. I am a little confused as to who actually is it that saying you gotta respect the haka. all i think that is expected is that you don't disrespect it. if you dont like it don't watch it.the haka in the way it is performed ,is a challenge to the opposition.Its a tradition that has been around our sport for almost a hundred years.And  kiwis are proud of their indiginous brethren you may want to think about that. and do real men play with handbags?maybe thats your thing but a bit ludicrous to mention it in sport, unless you just want to provoke a verbal stoush.. With all the technology at your finger tips, you could have investigated this yourself instead of demonstrating yourself as an ignorant bigot .

  4. who said that we told you to respect the haka. We dont care what the opposition does. It is the opposition who makes a big deal out of it. As a kiwi I wouldn't mind if the opposition did something. Some people are just frustrated that their country does not have a culture where it contains some sort of war dance to respond with. Furthermore I dont think the ARU  would adopt an indigenous dance considering the relationship that you have had in the past with Aboriginals.

    Ive been educated in the Australian secondary school system and their coverage on indigenous issues, history, language is very poor. You have millions of Aussie kids out there  from primary to high school who dont know anything about Aboriginal culture. So does that make it our fault that you dont have something you could of had if your ancestors made the right choice?

    Another point. Why is it that  people question the haka yet there are the Samoan, Tongan and Fijian war dance? Its like there an issue or something that goes beyond the haka that only targets NZ.  Mybe there rugby team isnt as successful as the Allblacks . NZ trying to enforce their views?...we aren't the only nation doing this if you see it as this.

    The haka is NOT political.  Its cultural and there's a big difference. Sports is one of a few entities connected to the NZ identity. When you add the Maori culture as the core entity of the kiwi identity by which NZ is one of very few if not the only Anglo country in the world to embrace, accept and take in our indigenous peoples culture then thats where you have

    haka+ sports= NZ identity.

  5. What a silly little plonker you are. I suggest you take your hand off it!

    I'll bet most of your fellow sports playing countrymen and women shudder at the thought that a clown like you could claim citizenship in their country.

    An absolute dipstick!

  6. No one says we have to like it but it's common decency to respect peoples' heritage and culture. Though I for one do enjoy watching it.

  7. Clearly you have already made up your narrow little mind.  So I doubt this will make any difference.

    We have a history to be proud of.  I don't expect the Australians to understand, prison colonies and racial segregation are not what countries should be built on.  We have a country of all different cultures and ancestral backgrounds and we honour and respect our mutual heritage on the biggest stage we have.

    I can't put it any clearer than that.

  8. I think it's fantastic that they respect thier native culture. If only we could do the same.

  9. Yo don't have to.  And why should a test be delayed in Australia so that some old f**t with a guitar can sing the most boring song of all time Walzting Matlda?  

  10. It is traditional that the ABs perform the haka prior to playing. If it helps to motivate the players and fans, why not.

    For your information, the Kangaroos did a war dance, it was called a "coroboree". It is not done any more but it was done on Kangaroo tours.

  11. At least we, (nz) respect our natives,unlike you aussie b******s

    you dont have to respect the haka, all we ask is that you face up to the challenge.

  12. I dont need to write anything because all these lovely people have given you some great answers i hope you enjoy reading them  

  13. What an idiot!!

  14. go do a ****** waltz you dancing matilda koala shagger

  15. The Haka is awesome.

    No one has ever demanded that you respect it.

    It's just a bit of fun before a game of rugby that inspires both teams to play well.

    You're banging on about it in a few "questions" (AKA Rants) today, but somehow I get the feeling you're never going to actually need to worry about facing it.

  16. 'Me Again' - are you just a s... stirrer or pretending not to know anything?

    If you are indeed a rugby follower, you will know that we, the Maori, did not start to place our haka at the start of our rugby games. It was actually the Pakeha or white New Zealanders who first put it before their game in honour of the Maori who were never truly defeated by the British. They felt that it (the Haka) would show honour to their opponents in the field of sports battles.

    It is a tradition of honouring your opponent and any honoured opponent would accept it for what it is - that he (or the team) is a person (or team) worthy of a challenge.

    Know what honour means?

  17. It's spelt Haka, and I do like it

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