
Why do the Republicans feel the need to pander to the Christian right?

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What, are the fundies going to vote for Obama otherwise?




  1. Because the Religious Right knows how to scare Mom and Pop into voting their way and they have a huge checkbook to give away money to the Republican campaigns.

  2. I dont think they are pandering to them.  Palin is them!

  3. It drive me crazy when these Democrats act scared and try to pander for the same vote.

    I think Obama could have Jesus endorse him at a special press conference and that voting block wouldn't vote for him anyway, since Conservative Evangelicals aren't really all that interested in Jesus anyway.

  4. everyone should vote where they feel they have the right person for the Job, someone qualified who will put country first above cultural or racial agendas.

    the color of ones skins light dark what ever should not be a factor for me to simply vote for Obama because he's black would be racist or for me to vote for McCain because he is white would be racist ...go for the person and quality's not skin tone.

  5. i always believed it was christians who pander to the republican party because thats where they think the moral majority are gathered.  

  6. Give it a generation or two - Secularist Republicans SHALL RETURN!

  7. Exactly, fundies are one issue voters, and the repugs know it.  No need to pander to their base.

  8. Outright appeals to racism don't work anymore.

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