My son's natural mother sought out my adoption agency. They did not seek her out. She's a very strong woman, and not a mindless idiot like some adoption haters make her out to be. Her main reason for putting my son up for adoption was so he would have a father. I completely understand that a single mom can do a great job as a parent on her own, but based on years and years of research, it has been proven children as a whole are more successful in a two parent home. I'm not saying this is always the case, but as a whole. My point is, if my son's natural mother made this choice on her own, without any coersion, why do adoption haters degrade her for it? She does struggle with some depression but she has told us it is because certain people have degraded her for her decision. When she's with people who support her, she feels good about herself. When she is around adoption haters, she gets depressed. Who's the bad guy here? Doesn't sound like it is me or the adoption agencies.