
Why do the automobile manufacturers resist making electric cars? Altairnano has batteries that are ready?

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The major automobile manufacturers say battery technology isn't ready for electric vehicles, but Altairnano Technologies has batteries that do the job. Check out




  1. ... No one said electric cars couldn't be made. Heck, GM came out with the EV1 in 1996. But the thing is, it cost $80,000 to make. If they had made the vehicle avilable for sale, very few people would have got one.

    Tesla roadster. Case and point.

    They still are very expensive. The Volt will likely cost $25-30k, even though the only advanced technology the car uses is the battery pack. AND that's just with a 40 mile range. A full battery only car would be way more expensive even with just a 100 mile range.

  2. Well Phoenix has an exclusive deal with Altairnano, so the big auto companies couldn't use their batteries anyway.  Plus they only have about a 100 mile range, which while good, is not as long as people are accustomed to.

    I think it won't be too long before the major auto companies are making EVs.  The Chevy Volt and Toyota Prius plug-in will be the final step in that direction (gas cars to hybrids to plug-in hybrids to EVs).  Honda has even said that they won't work on plug-in hybrids, because if you have the capability of making a plug-in hybrid you might as well just make a fully electric vehicle.

    With some really nice EVs being made by Phoenix, ZAP, and Miles Automotive and several big auto companies working on plug-in hybrids, I think it will only be another decade or two before the big guys start rolling out electric cars.

  3. The range is not there . To be usable it's range should have a range of 600 miles , and the ability of a fast recharge.

  4. Because they will not sell.

  5. I know what u mean, but man! they're too pricey and practically imposible to buy, i sure wouldn't want to be alive when THAT! time comes (if u know what i mean).

  6. if the auto industry is more accepting of electric powered cars... what will the fuel industry do?? it is all political... one thing greases the other... check into what your politicians views are on this matter and vote accordingly....

  7. Why do the automobile manufacturers resist making electric cars? Altairnano has batteries that are ready?


    Because they don't use gas/diesel fuel that they can make money off of. What profits them in you powering your EV on wind and solar power which is free? It doesn't! That's why ALL internal combustion engines everywhere aren't diesel, diesels will always get much better mpg than gas, therefore making "THEM" less money in the oil market.

    Oh and the Chevy Volt and Toyota Prius suck! All that technology and the chevy volt will go only 30-40miles in one charge while normal everyday people have made their regular EV cars and even EV trucks go 80miles in one charge.

  8. It would be better to have electric cars competing with cars that run on gas.  

    Alternative fuels shouldn't be used to replace gasoline, only provide a substitute good (in economics substitute goods don't necessarily replace the other product all together).

    Alternative fuels should be pursued as a means of providing consumers a choice.  The more choices the consumer has the better the products will be, at better prices.

    Alternative fuels face a stiff obstacle, entrance into the market.  Big oil companies don't have to stop alternative fuel development because the infrastructure of the gasoline industry is so huge.  There are gas stations everywhere.  This type of convenience to the consumer will be hard to match.

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