
Why do the bad girls/guys get all the attention?

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i've noticed that bad guys who cuss and sleep around always seem to be cooler than the good ones, and girls to, the ones who get into trouble and cuss alot always put off like there having more fun. i know this one guy that's a major jerk, but he always seems to have a "possy" around him and girls are hoovering around him like moths. i don't get it. i thought if your nice people will like you, i thought if you were a jerk no one would want to hang out with you, it makes no sense.




  1. It seems like everyone is thinking the same thing.

    But to be honest, I wouldn't like a guy like that. I would only ever be with someone who respects me and honestly likes me for who I am. If I have to wait for years to have that, then so be it.

    Guys like that are seen as "cool". But who would want to get used for s*x and popularity by someone like him?

    Don't worry, I'm sure you're a beautiful person and your time will come and you'll meet someone who treats you right. Don't stoop down to the level that those guys/girls are at and don't try and be someone you're not!

    You're time will come!  

  2. you are right, this makes no sense. but those people will be at the bottom of the pecking order one day. trust me being nice and caring always pays off. followers tend to flock to people like that and its easy to fit in to that kind of circle, where everybody does everybody. being a leader is much more dificult, it has responsibility and strength, it is something to be proud of. Take care of yourself and be strong!

  3. Because he's popular and good looking. And the girls are just a bunch of little s***s who will regret having s*x with those jerks in the future.

    So who cares if they're getting all the attention, the good guys and girls are going to be the ones who will be happy later one without STDs and a child at the age of 16.  

  4. im sorry that this isnt an answer to your question gingy. but i have been asking myself that question for ages.  

  5. It indicates that ppl with Good / Normal attitude is still a lot more than those with Bad one. People will not notice anymore if something is normal, when it is abnormal they will turn their attention to.

  6. Those type of people are happy bc they are getting a thrill out of being bad. Girls hover around the bad boys bc they want to "turn them into gentlemen and be the one who saved them from being a bad person". Its stupid but the truth. The bad girls just enjoy breaking the rules and feeling in control. (we know were not but please dont ruin the fantasy lol.)

  7. well i dont get it either cuz im a bad girl of da class and im in da same situation....idk i guess im entertaining or something lol

  8. I'm wondering the same thing.

  9. Well... I'm speaking from experience. I used to be the girl that got in trouble. I used to be the one that did this and that to be cool and it worked. People respected me because I spoke my mind without worrying about the consequences. Looking back at that, its because there is a lot of more stupid people than there is nice. Obviously stupid people will stick with the ones making the dumb decisions because they think that's "cool".

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