
Why do the buses in Manchester have their heaters on in the summer afternoons but off in the winter mornings?

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When travelling on the 'First' buses in manchester it seems they always have the heaters on when it's a blistering hot day but, during winter... at 6:30 in the morning the heaters are off... and possibly have the windows open.




  1. Because the Mancs are sadists - at least that's the conclusion I've come to. I was last in Mankyville about 18 months ago, in the height of summer (I have a friend who lives out towards Sale) and had to go into the city centre to the Arndale (cos that's where the Apple Store is - they had my MacBook Pro because the HDD had packed in) I took the green (IIRC) free bus from Piccadilly up to the city centre (I could have walked it, I know, but I have severe anxiety disorder and I just wanted to get there as quick as possible) and it was almost as though they'd sealed the windows shut - I couldn't get any of them open!

    Manky bus drivers are sadists - that's the conclusion I've come to!

  2. Orr i hate that !

    when you boilin on a bus and the heaters are on full blast.

    i think the driver does it coz hes got his own big window so he dosnt mind lol

  3. Because most bus drivers are complete idiots here in Manchester and don't give a hoot about the passengers.

  4. At 06:30, its probably because it hasn't had chance to heat up properly yet. In the summer its to help avoid buses overheating - as the heating helps take away the hot air from the engine (inevitiabley cooking passengers). It happens all over the country, especially on the older buses!

  5. not only in happens in london also.

  6. I think it is that they are pre-set to a certain temperature on a thermostat and are that temperature all year round, but in Summer, the sun shines through the windows and creates a greenhouse effect making it appear warmer.

    You will notice the same effect if you leave a car in the sun all day, then get in it. It feels as though the heater has been on when it hasn't.

  7. A lot of bus drivers are idiots but not big steve.

  8. I asked this question to am owner of a bus company, and the answer was so people don't sit on the buses all day.

  9. ask the bus driver

  10. busses are often old and likely to overheat easily, putting the heaters on in summer draws heat from the engine and makes a breakdown less likely on a hot day - admittedly this is at the cost of cooking the passengers.

  11. Especially the 42. It's unbearable.

    I sat panting at the window like a dog left in a hot car

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