
Why do the citizens of San Francisco value criminal drug dealers over the well being of their community?

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Read in the Chronicle today that the City of San Francisco, after apprehending 7 Honduranian Illegal immigrants who had be caught selling drugs to Americans, withheld these alleged criminal illegalls from ICE so as to deport them on the taxes of San Francisco taxpayers. The city acknowledges they wanted to allow them to come back and if ICE was involved, these criminals would never be able to return due to their criminal record. The city is actively providing sanctuary to and protection for illegals. This is clearly against Federal law. What is going on in our country, when City governments break the law openly and favor criminals over the benefit of it's citizens? Should the people who made these decissions be prosecuted and taken from office? (and by the way, these 7 criminals were put in such a non secure holding facility, they escaped and are now running around and free to attack our society and continue to break our laws.)

Who is REALLY taking care of America?




  1. The city is run by a bunch of left wing loons. I saw one of them on The Factor last night, and the idiot defended the SF policy. He stated that since the federal govt wouldn't pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform (Amnesty) the city of SF had to do it on its own. What a lying, moronic fool! Of course, all cities should turn over illegal alien criminals to ICE for deportation. Who the heck are they to have their own foreign policy?

  2. Yeah, I read an article on that too. It seems as though the fine people of San Francisco have politically corrected themselves into quite a mess. Federal investigators are looking into the activity and according to the article I read the PC crowd are already pointing the finger at each other for responsibility. The ONLY good thing about it is that the money used seems to be coming from the people of S.F. therefore it is not another financial burden imposed upon American taxpayers.

  3. Let me guess... San Fran wants to be a city state with its own foreign policy.  About the time the earth quake hits, they will decide they don't want that however, and do want federal funds, and that is the way it will remain for a while then.  Ahhh...  for a short while.

    But lets face it.. after they get all the loot for the earthquake, then they will demand city state status again.

  4. Because San Francisco is filled with left wing liberal socialist Democrat nuts. I haven't been there in years for that very reason.

  5. Do you live in San Francisco?  I purposely don't for a reason and this is one of them.

    So I don't care how they spend their money.

    edit: Personally (and it is probably a California thing), I believe the will of the people (locally) should have a greater influence on laws and regulations than a federal body 2,500 miles away.  And federal funds to local and state govts. have dried up in the last 6 years.

    I honestly don't forsee Montgomery, Alabama or Pensacola, Florida following in San Francisco's wake on this one.

    Again, if their tax paying citizens don't have a problem with it, then let them pay for it.  Personally, I would be raising holy h**l with the mayor and city council.

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