
Why do the cops come down on drug addicts so hard why not target the dealer's instead?

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an Addict will NEVER rat ON their dealers, even if the Gavers apply pressure.




  1. In the US, we have a hypocritical and contradictory justice system when it comes to drugs. It doesn't make sense to fill up the prison system with drug users, but the war on drugs has been one of the biggest farces in our society.

    If someone were to suggest higher investment in treatment programs, people will complain that they don't want their taxes going towards helping addicts become productive citizens; but they never think about those expenses going toward housing these people, paying for their medical and legals fees while in prison, none of whom will do nothing for the overall tax base. The average American has contradictory political beliefs.

  2.               they do come down on dealers as well.addicts should be targeted they are a real problem were i live!i had one wanting to fight me on the street a week ago if they were in your area you would not be so sympathetic to them!!!

  3. Catching the users is easier.  Despite your assumption, about half of those busted will give up their dealer in exchange for leniency.  Even with that info, however, busting the dealer is harder and requires more time and manpower than busting the dealer.  There is no police department anywhere that has unlimited time, money and manpower.  So, they do what they can with what they have.  

  4. They do go after the dealers and not just the guy on the corner, but their suppliers. However, dealers wouldn't be in business if addicts didn't use their services, so addicts need to be taken out of the picture as well, preferably with help so they will no longer be addicts.  

  5. It is a political movement.  They say you live in a free country yet you are not free to do what you want.  At one time booze was illegal.  The war on drugs will not end until the novelty is taken out of drugs like it was taken from booze.  Imagine someone standing on the corner now andn saying ' wanna buy some beer?'  sounds pretty funny huh?  But, there was a time when this happened.  The reason why cops come down on drug addicts is because they have made it a crime to take drugs.  When you commit a crime you go to jail. They use the drug addicts to get to the dealers, to get to the suppliers.  Unfortunately it is usually the users that pay for them.  Until they take the crime out of drug abuse we will always have this problem. But, if they take the crime out of drugs then will not be spending our tax money on trying to locate the suppliers as they will dwindle away just like the booze bootleggers did.  Take away the taboo and sell it in the local stores and you cut out drug crimes like murder and gang violence.

  6. Why don't the addicts roll over on the dealers?  Addicts are easier to catch.  

  7. Because they can't catch the big dealers so they go after the easier target.

  8. If you come down hard on addict, then they sometimes give up dealer. Also, if dealer isn't carrying that day, he's "clean". Addicts usually have some still in system. Easier to prove sometimes

  9. Drugs are like the common cold. It's easier to treat the symptoms than to cure the virus. Plus that, just like the common cold, it makes more money in the long run. Addicts are treated like traffic violations. They are a revenue stream.

  10. It's supply and demand. If there's no demand then there won't be a supply. Addicts will rat on their dealers or another dealer in a heartbeat! They know that they can find another supplier. They just don't want to go to jail because they will be cut off from their dope. The addicts are responsible for burglaries, thefts and other crimes so it does benefit society to get them off of the street. Most addicts eventually become some sort of low level dealers, also.  

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