
Why do the doctors not know how far i am? my guess is 7 months, but they are not sure?

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every time i go to the hospital and get and ultra sound my due date changes.. i have had lots of complications with this pregnacy. i have gotten at least one ultra sound every month since i was 7 wks. (sd the first u/s) now i was thought to be 28 wks by the doctors at this last visit. however i had to go to the ER and have another u/s and i got a phone call today to go to the doctor and learn the results. well they changed my due date again. they dotn know how far i am all the doc said was i could have the baby anytime between oct 20th and nov 27th... i dont know about any one else but to me thats a big gap of time not to know...when you may or may not go into labor. my first due date was oct. 20th, my second was nov. 27th my third was nov. 21st. my fourth was nov. 4th. and now they are telling me idk... youll have the baby sometime... has any one else on here had this problem




  1. usually the sonogram can be 2 weeks either side. So if they tell you Nov 4th you could have it 2 weeks before that date or 2 weeks after that date. When was your last period?

  2. I am not a doctor , but that sounds strange to me to change you r due date so much and so drastically.  My due date was changed 1 time but it was only a 2 week difference.  Usually the earlier U/S's are more accurate at predicting how far along you are because all baby's grow at the exact same rate for the first so many weeks.  I would try to see another doctor or a different U/S technician.    

  3. When was your last period? I would get a 2nd opinion. And get copies of all your ultrasound test results and any other medical visits you had. Take them with you and keep a copy for your self. Have someone look at the info with you. I would be very confused and upset too. If you have a copy of all your medical stuff, you can see the results for your self and know what questions to ask. And ask why the date is so different. What level ultrasound is it? What measurements are they using to figure out your due date? If you have test results, you can ask another doctor if they are being figured out right or read correctly. Hang in there.

    Add. I see you live in a small town, your new post. It might be worth the 50 mile drive for another opinion. You and your baby deserve the best care possible and to help ease your mind if your doctor is not answering your questions and explaining his/her self.

    Through experience, I have learned you have to manage your health care. And that doctors are not always right.

  4. if i were you, i'd just go by the first date they gave you. they changed my due date a bit *the u/s tech* but my doctor and i agreed that was silly and just go by my original due date...babies grow at different rates later in the pregnancy, so when you get an ultrasound early on to date your pregnancy its usually so early that all fetuses have developed the same so its easier to date the pregnancy.

    why do you have an ultrasound every month? anyways, this is a very uncommon problem, it sounds a little ridiculous...have you thought about changing hospitals and doctors?  

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