
Why do the english drink tea and americans drink cofee?

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Why do the english drink tea and americans drink cofee?




  1. Tea is a British tradition, and 'afternoon tea' used to be a fashionable social event for upper class people back in the 1800's. I guess we've just stuck to our ways. Although we drink a lot of coffee over here too, Starbucks is just as popular in the UK as it is in the US.

  2. USA ,we drink both, hot & cold.

  3. It's a mystery...but I'd imagine it'd have something to do with Americans needing chemicals (aka caffeine) in order to keep us awake because of our "busy" "hectic" lives...or something?

    And we're always whining about how we never get enough sleep....

    I hate coffee.....

  4. Becuase coffe is good

    and tea is ok ! =D

  5. I'm american and I drink tea.  Trust me there are alot of british people drinking coffee they have coffee shops everywhere just like we do.

  6. It's been like this for centuries. Perhaps the Americans find drinking tea a little too "slow" for their liking. And they wouldn't wanna "waste" time sipping tea. They would probably prefer to gulp down their coffee! :D

  7. Not sure, but a lot of Brits drink coffee.

    My best guess is that since we had India, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong as part of the Empire, we had plentiful access to tea (grown in and around those regions) and so it became established as the thing to drink in the UK. Nifty bit of trivia: tea was once so valuable in the UK that people used to have padlocked, metal "tea caddies", which were small chests you could store your tea leaves in securely.

    Is coffee grown in South America or the Caribbean? It'd make sense that the US prefers it if it was closer.

    Tea all the way for me though :) I think I might put a brew on now!

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