
Why do the english put up with the goverment taking th pi** by charging us so much for petrol ?????

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Why do the english put up with the goverment taking th pi** by charging us so much for petrol ?????




  1. cause they have people exactly were they want them in debt and cant afford to strike or anything like that

  2. Bekki babe and kenny b have the answer between them. On top of that our priministers have a fondness for lying to us like Tony Blair did regarding weapons of mass destruction. Apart from that most people don't even know how to start something big enough but if anyone out there knows how to start it i'm in all the way. And just so you know its not just English its Scottish, Welsh and us in Northern Ireland.

  3. I know it does **** me off i used to travel 80 miles a day to work and it cost me £200 a mounth so it made me get a job closer to home even tho i liked the job were i was. we shud do what the french do and protest but i dont think it will happen in the uk, not enough people care about tax and politics and care more about voting for x factor.The goverment take 64p out of the pound a leter we pay its to much are car tax is bad enough. anyway i will be living in oz buy august.

  4. Go to the Royal Society website and find from the archives the lecture by Professor James Lovelock, one the UKs greatest scientists. In that he concludes that global warming will flip the earth to a new stable state that will only support about 1 billion. We should do two things: one, get ready for further increases; two, get G W Bush to the Hague charged with crimes against humanity.

  5. It is yet another tax on the native brits to finance all the immigrants who come here and bang kids out like rabbits and then can't (or won't) work to pay their way.

  6. Because the people in Britain have lost the bottle to stand together and tell the government that enough is enough.

    Remember the poll tax demonstrations? the country stood as one and Maggie listened.

    If the country stood as one again then Gorden would HAVE to Liston as we are the ones that have given him the job he's in, (by default anyway)

    Britain is now a nation of selfish individuals who have no idea how to spell TEAM, let alone know what it means.

    If Hitler invaded Britain now then Gorden would surrender quicker than the French and we'd be speaking German as we type.

    FAO 'who am i' we do  have a choice...and it's people like you who are breeding selfishness.....we just have to stand united as one and tell the government that this is one tax too many

  7. we got no choice

  8. They've got to pay the salaries of all those civil servants who lose all those computer discs with your private financial details on them, as well as all the bombs they drop on various

    third world countries whose oil they wish to steal. In fact overall taxation in Britain is slightly lower than in most European countries. It makes good environmental sense to make petrol expensive, but unfortunately the price of it seems to do little to discourage people from driving, since most of the country is one huge traffic jam.

  9. Because we cant depend on public transport and the goverment wont fix it while they can rip us car drivers off.

  10. Easy answer. I don't drive.

  11. Ya like getting bent over like us americans are??

  12. if you do the conversions to US it would be around $7.75 per gallon.

    most people think that the money goes mostly to taxes but that is not true!

    the BIGGEST part of that 1 pound per Litre goes to the oil company's pockets. its upwards of 65% of each gallon sold!

    where as only about 4 to 6 pence of every litre goes to the petrol stations.

    the rest is made up of local and government taxes.

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